The Ultimate Review of Napoleon Hill’s Outwitting The Devil
There isn’t a single book to be called a New Thought and Personal Development all-time classic. Wired differently, we find various approaches as more or less efficient, and everyone has their favorites. Despite that, I believe that the one I’m about to discuss off tops many lists of fitting the description titles. No, it really isn’t Think, Grow, Rich. Though it certainly comes from the same author. And they usually go hand to hand.
Called “Outwitting The Devil,” this written by Napoleon Hill absolute masterpiece was one of those to blow my mind” when I read/listened to them first. Because of that, I decided to do something I always wanted. Review the book by slightly interpreting and commenting on the stuff in it, I find most inspiring. While that includes plenty, to be maximally concise, I’ll keep it under 12 000 words total. Including the quotes. And address the following subjects:
·The Devil and his weapons and devices;
·The Reasons Why The Book Was Published In 2011;
·The Habit Of Drifting;
·The Hypnotic Rhythm;
·Self-Discipline and the forming it faculties;
·The Definite Chief Aim And Definiteness Of Purpose;
·The Other Self And Infinite Intelligence;
Before starting, however, I think it’s only right to do this disclaimer. Like any other by N. Hill, OWD was meant to be studied and not just read. Approached in that manner, the book builds a growing with one’s life experiences perception. So what I do in the following paragraphs is presenting my version of that. Nothing more, nothing less!
Meaning I by no means pretend to be an authority on Hill’s philosophy/teachings. And neither on any of the subjects of discussion. I merely have the hunch that other, like-minded individuals may somehow benefit from my understanding, experiences, and thoughts. Having that said, please fasten your seatbelts! Don’t expect linear thinking. Do appreciate my work for what it is. And let’s and begin.
The Devil And His Weapons And Devices
Not limited to a physical body, Hill’s Devil’s best described as preoccupying one half of the atom, Universe, and especially people’s minds energy. — Yours including. Where he dwells, is in those portions of the mind, one not only doesn’t utilize. But often isn’t aware they actually exist. Yes, rather than controlling planets and stars, the Devil’s all about turning people into his cause’s pawns. How he does that is through multiple ways. Yet the various forms of fear appear as best serving his initiative of converting people into not thinking/acting for themselves “drifters.” — More on that later.
Quote: “One of my cleverest devices for mind control is fear. I plant the seed of fear in the minds of people, and as these seeds germinate and grow, through use, I control the space they occupy…” — Says the Devil on page 61.
What he also states is that though there are 6 forms of fear. Those of poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love, old age, and death. The first and the last are the handiest for controlling people.
Having a grip on 98% of them, through fear, he turns their lives (on earth) into a living hell. Commonly he does that by instilling the totally wrong, fear-based beliefs. Like that, there’s nothing but eternal punishment after this life/reality.
Despite furthest from the truth, the last saps peoples’ independent thought flow. Thus makes them of less possession of their own minds. An excellent example of a non-drifter, the Devil doesn’t waste time but rather swiftly takes advantage of that. And this is when the person’s real hell begins.
You see? The Devil never really planned on taking anyone’s soul after death. Instead, he intends to make people fear that or something else. What else? Well, that such as whether or not the thing’s actually real is of absolutely no importance.
Because the truth is that fearing something not real is precisely as much destructive as “fearing” one that actually is. Knowing it better than anyone, the Devil merely quadruples on that. And then lets the chips fall where they may.
The Young
Taking control over the young is one of the Devil’s highest priorities. The reason being is because that never lets people begin doing their own thinking. Nor developing themselves into definite, independently acting human beings. In other words, into what Hill describes as non-drifters and students of the Great University Of Life. — The only capable of teaching them their Definite Chief Aim.In all of its forms, however, fear really isn’t the single tool utilized by the Devil for breaking the young’s will. For that, he also employs four other devices.
(A) Self-destructive habits;
(B) Religion including its churches and leaders;
(B) School Teachings;
(D) Their own parents;
Self-Destructive Habits
Even that self-destructive habits come in couples and work as a magnet for each other, it’s safe to say that Devil puts extra effort into turning youngsters into smokers. Or as he likes to say… “Making them join his two packs a day club.” Though far from being the single self-destructive habit, smoking plays a role very substantial in the entire Devil’s scheme. What it does besides (of course) destroying the person’s will, vitality, and health, is that it opens doors for the whole gamut of self-destructive habits.
Page 66 N. Hill asks. Quote: “Which do you consider to be your greater tool for gaining control of human minds — cigarettes or liquor ?”
Then the Devil Answers: “Without hesitation, I would say cigarettes. Once I get a young person to join my two-package-a-day club, I have no trouble in inducing that person to take on the habit of liquor, over-indulgence of sex and all other related habits which destroy the independence of thought and action…”
Okay. Let me stop reviewing for a moment and share an exciting, real-life story…
Personal Experience (1)
- Being a school-despising, household issues-facing, fearful, and very insecure child, I began smoking in third grade. While months later, I already masturbated up to 10 and often even more times a day, soon I also got into drinking. Matter of fact, I not only got into it. But also got into the toxicology because of poisoning myself with it. A few times in 5th grade.
Now please! Pay closer attention!
After a decade as a smoker and months of planning it (inspired by my mom’s dad), I stopped smoking for a day. As if by Magick, during the next year, I also entirely gave up drugs and guess what happened then. I quit booze. Thought that happened, after months of real struggle. I mean like really real. Years later, in 2013, I did the same with fapping and the misuse of sex. Hence started seeing and utilising the latter for what it truly is. The most potent driving force in our lives.
Or, as explained on page 191, “The strongest dominating desire/motive to inspire most of all human endeavors. And nature’s most useful therapeutic force…”
Finally, in 2014, I gave up sugar, junk, and frequent meals, and in the following year, I entirely transitioned to OMAD eating pattern. Now let’s get back to the review.
Why The Book Was Published In 2011
No, I didn’t know who N.Hill was for that whole period. Despite that, my little story is concrete evidence that he was unbelievably ahead of his time. So ahead to be well-aware of some only recently discovered, ground-braking information. Somehow he knew the following. Identically to sugar, smoking also causes what modern science describes as a “Gateway Effect.” In other words, it makes the brain want to receive more stimulation from other, much stronger substances.
Known as “cross-sensitization,” as earlier stated, that basically is a door-opening process for more and harsher addictions. Quite impressive? Or isn’t it The more fascinating, if you ask me, is that OWD was actually written, in 1938. Meaning not just around 50 years before the world started opening its eyes for the truth about smoking. But also about 20 before tobacco companies started using quote-unquote scientists to advertise it as a weight-loss, health, well-being, and even athleticism promoting habit.
Yeah, that actually happened back in the 60s. But if you don’t believe me, then be shocked after googling some of the cigarette ads from that era. Then you repeat for the mainly designed for women speed-based medications.
IMHO, things like that and the author’s outstanding perception of our society and human nature in general majorly contributed to his initial decision of not publishing the book. I do believe that while the rest of his work is kinda more readily comprehensible (and far less dark), OWD may require a bit higher level of maturity. No! Not only from the so-called non-controlled by the Devil 2%. But also from the society as a whole. Supposedly, for that allows the fast information transfer we get to enjoy because of the internet. So I guess that’s one of the reasons why the book finally got published in 2011.
Seeing it as nothing but perfect synchronicity, to me, the timing couldn’t be more ideal. Yet that isn’t solely because of provided by the web free access to knowledge and ability to double and even triple-check everything for ourselves. That’s only the “good part.” What I’m referring to is also the tremendous pressure, modern culture/way of living puts on the individual. Permanently distracted from her definite chief aim, now the last’s chances of becoming a non-drifter, are greatly diminished. And what that brings us to is a Devil’s device not less harmful than the already discussed.
Page 108, the Devil speaks Quote: “Propaganda is any device, plan, or method by which people can be influenced without knowing that they are being influenced or the source of influence…”
Latter on the same, he also explains that thanks to propaganda, he is ahead in the process of obtaining control over and even Hitlerizing America. While since not based there, I can’t really speak for the latter, I have the profound sense that he already succeeded in doing the first. Not only to the U.S. but to the entire world. How that happened was mainly through social media. Which, often appears as Web 2.0’s worst side-effect.
You see? While in previous times, ignoring something’s or someone’s propaganda was possible. And way more encouraged. That’s no longer the case. Now instead of only religious, political, and of various products and services, “propaganda” is unavoidable and about everything and anything.
It’s on phones, tablets, and computers. On the billboards and in every commercial and song you hear. In fact, for the most part, there isn’t that much difference between those two categories.
Propaganda tells you what you should like, strive for, and spend on. Who you should hang and have sex with. Defining success and happiness, it says what your life purpose should be. Last but not least, propaganda provides a countless number of opinions to loosely express on any subject. Regardless of whether or not you researched and have experience with it. All and all, it does people’s thinking. And prevents them from using their minds.
Maybe in former eras, all that was optional. You were able to switch off the T.V. To not listen to the radio and to never read newspapers or magazines. Now things are different, and propaganda is omnipresent.
Permanently influencing all aspects of the environment, it manufactures, not solely the American. But the global drifting-glorifying culture/matrix. Known as consumerism, to me, the last kinda seems as a mutated version of Devil’s web. And that is another reason why Hill’s masterpiece isn’t just timeless. But also published right on time.
Family And Religion
An excellent point the book makes is that rather than helping people advance spiritually, religion continues frightening them with the Devil. Thus keeps spreading, and even being the source of the fear of him. Surely Hill wanted us to consider that. Yet there are some more critical things to be deciphered in those sections. Or at least, I think there are.
The first is that rather than referring to all, the author covertly specifies, organized religions. While we all know what some of them did during the medieval ages, what they still do now is incomparably much worse than scaring people with an imaginary Devil.
They force individuals into a strictly dictated by their churches, fear-based relationship with God. Besides denying humans’ divine aspect, that prevents developing the most potent and direct link with Infinite Intelligence one could ever have.
Another known fact is that organized religion suppresses sex and free expression of will. Now, let’s stop for a moment and remind ourselves something extremelly substantial. Namely that while accordingly to the author, those two combined elevate one to highest states of genius. According to Freud (and others), suppressing them actually is the root cause of all mental illnesses.
Besides that, organized religion doesn’t allow people to discover and put in use their mind’s vast capabilities. So rather than providing the tools and tactics for reducing them, it seems like that aims to enlarge the unoccupied spaces in one’s mind. The same in which as already covered is where the Devil dwells.
By proclaiming an abusive father figure as the god to be (worshipped and feared by all), they deny not just half of humanity’s significance and equality but also, one of the most ageless concepts to ever exist. — That of Mother Nature. And guess what. Whether or not you believe in him really doesn’t matter. In fact, it doesn’t matter even if you’re an atheist. Because society’s core structure is organized to be mainly dominated by the same.So does this make him real? Well, not really. But he’s definitely alive. Where he lives is in all institutions and authority figures. Created to be feared by people and stop their independent thought, they include not just school but also the family.
Page 79 The Devil Speaks. Quote: “One of my favorite tricks is to coordinate the efforts of parents and religious instructors, so they work together in helping me destroy the children’s power to think for themselves. I use many religious instructors to undermine the courage and power of independent thought of children by teaching them to fear me. But I use parents to aid the religious leaders in this great work of mine…”
No, I really don’t believe that to control their children, parents somehow collaborate with religious instructors. Especially not in most cases, nowadays. But that Family is strategically pre-conceptualized to operate as an extension of organized religion. How that’s done is through the artificially created, yet ever-present dogma. The one saying that while both parents are equally important (or sorta), the head of the family is only the father. Who the child more important than loving should prove something to, be accepted by, and though not always officially declared fear.
What I think this unjustified disbalance of forces does is something detrimental. Planting the seed of fear in the child’s mind, when least developed. And before anything else. It makes it assume a specific stereotype. One of fearing the obviously preferred by the male-god father figure. The same which latter extends/enlarges through school. And society and all of its institutions.
Yet that isn’t to say that organized religion has that much control, such as in previous times. But that the society and the governments merely inherited/employed its methods for mass control through fear. And of course, breaking one’s will when weakest and most vulnerable. Last but not least, here we can’t skip addressing the habit of imitation. The same describes the children’s natural inclination of imitating others at the time when their consciousness could be defined as a blank. And absorbs pretty much everything like a sponge.
That includes adopting the wrong, leading to drifting emotions, habits, thoughts, and activities. From the parents, peers, teachers, and religious instructors. What happens is that the same’s fears, negativity, flaws, and self-destructive habits automatically get applied to the children’s persona. The more that happens, the more their definiteness goes south. And with that, their ability to differentiate temporary defeat from failure and create their own environment.
Rather than stimulating children of using their minds to become their best versions, the school makes them adopt a slave mentality and contaminates it with utterly useless information. The even more depressing, however, is that it does that for 12 or more years. Apparently, that blocks independent thought from occurring. The actual device for unveiling/unlocking and putting in charge the Other self. Who we’ll extensively examine by this review’s end.
Pages 168/9 Quote: (Q) “Why aren’t children taught definiteness of purpose in the public schools?…”
(A) For the reason that there is no definite plan or purpose behind any of the school curricula! Children are sent to school to make credits and learn how to memorize, no to learn what they want of life…”
“The only thing of enduring value to any human being is working knowledge of his own mind. The churches do not permit a person to inquire into the possibilities of his own mind. And the schools don’t recognize that such a thing as mind exists…”
What those lines tell us is that school teaches pretty much everything, but that which worths studying. How to make the best use of your mind. Thus utilize it as a tool for getting out of life what you want. On your own terms.
Whether or not that’s because of the set by organized religion tone, I can’t confirm. What I think, however, are two things. The first is that school’s primary discipline/intent, that of teaching people how to purposelessly memorize facts — is a mere camouflage of its severely mind crippling and often damaging activity. Wasting people above a decade of exceptionally quality time.
What I’m referring to here isn’t solely that school teachings lack any practical/real-life application. But also that this is a period when building any useful skill or habit is actually the easiest
The mind is young. Still not cluttered with the eventually coming with age and in all walks of life burden. Nor with previously covered propaganda and discouragement. Many people tend to get from their peers. Often parents. And of course, school teachers. Therefore, the mind’s ready to absorb the right information when most needed.Why most needed? Well, because if provided on time, it could not only aid one begin growing as the right decisions making non-drifter. But also prevent series mistakes we all more or less do; help to better cope with the challenging puberty and pretty much whatever comes next. Considering mine and the experiences of others, I have no doubts that for that time frame, education may entirely annihilate one’s inherent love and desire for self-improvement.
Not just that, but the school also massively fails in making people memorize. Where that becomes evident is when the Devil explains the Hypnotic Rhymth’s idiosyncrasies. Namely, how to become permanent thoughts must have some emotional value to the person. Despite not literally said, I don’t think something different applies to random facts and even real-life events. Especially when they also aren’t of any use to the person. Yet, to conclude that we really don’t need to read the book. But to merely remember the old saying. — Use it or lose it.
Personal Experience (2)
Perhaps different people have different experiences with the school. That, however, doesn’t change the fact that I never met a person to anyhow be emotionally attached to any of the studied in school material. Nor one to remember more than 5% of it. And that believe it or not is despite that I changed a total of 6 schools. (5 public and 1 private). Now let me finish this section with a small passage from another brilliant mind and favorite lecturer of mine. One who just like N.Hll also many times read lectures in Carnegie Hall. — Manly P. Hall.
“When Intelligence fails, security fails.
How we’re going to get that Intelligence.
Well, for a long time, we thought we could get it by education. But this is becoming increasingly doubtful.
The trouble with education is that it assists us to adjust to what is wrong. But does not attempt to correct the errors. Therefore education says the world’s as it is. Adjust to it or suffer!
Therefore, education gives us various instructions on how to make the best out of the bad bargain we call life. It helps us to have a trade or art. And whenever something new comes along, education works it over until it becomes obsolete.
For a long, long time we’ve been training people for special fields of activity which generally ceased to be important by the time the training is complete. So all these situations have impelled us to realize that education is not giving us the internal resource necessary to control ourselves…”
— Coping with Mental And Emotional Depression lecture by Manly Palmer Hall.
Described by the Devil as a “deadly instrument,” flattery takes a special place in his arsenal. The reason being is that it efficiently converts into drifters adults and children. Where flattery’s power comes from are 2 of human nature’s most common flaws: Vanity and Egotism. Since everyone has them to some extent, no one’s immune to flattery. And that doesn’t change through the person’s entire life. In fact, though far less active, those never entirely disappear. But somehow remain. Even if he or she’s definite and devoted to self-growth.
When properly utilized, flattery becomes a powerful weapon. One for gaining control over others. Compared to a “pulling rope,” according to the book in women, the same works on their vanity. But in men, on their egotism. However, I think that in our global ego-tripping culture and era, both genders crave flattery, not just more than ever. But also in a very identical manner. So let me extrapolate on that, with the following.
Flattery’s efficiency is hidden within people’s insatiable thirst for validation. It provides us with something, even the best of us secretly, yet desperately-desire/badly crave. The fake insurance or illusion that we are or getting closer to becoming our idealized-selves. Intoxicating as those produced by drugs that could be seen as a real high to bring the worst of us. And make us delusional about our own places in life. Or at least it surely can. As long as the person bites the so-called chief bait. Hence thrust the flatterer’s words. Therefore begins living with the mentality that they’re accurate.
Personal Experience (3)
As an imperfect human being and a male, I do notice my self getting severely flattered in various ways. Yes, that likely that begins with the recognition of some personal achievements or things I do well. Especially when coming from the same or a similar situation having individuals.
But not less, it extends to that of my physique and appearance. Above genders, this, I believe, is relatable to anyone who takes care of himself and has some honesty.
Intended as a constructive encouragement, flattery often ends up being nothing but shallow compliments. Easy to be spotted right on time, they’re commonly given on superficial aspects of one’s conduct. When seriously taken, they unnoticeably corrupt the person’s character. How they do, it is by empowering the worst and least controlled aspects of one’s ego.
The Habit Of Drifting
Anyone who read the book knows that the thus far covered are nothing but few of the Devil’s tools. His purpose for using them, however, is ensnaring people into what Hill calls drifting. When the author figured that out was in the process of developing the success philosophy for Andrew Carnegie.
Why Carnegie ask him to do that was because of two reasons. (A) To provide people with a system for overcoming the great depression. Back in the 1920s.
(B) Because he knew that N.Hill wasn’t just the best. But likely the only one capable of completing the mission.
The last required about 20 years of researching. Peculiarly the spectrum of things to make 25 000 people either successful or not. What their examination, lead Hill to was another Major Insight.
Namely that while specific faculties were present in the characters of the first, the habit of drifting was mutual to all others. Hence appeared as the leading cause for their destiny. Although drifting encompasses many things, I believe the following few describe it accurately enough.
What Is Drifting
The inability to act and think independently. The lack of a well-defined vision for the wanted out of life, and all things. That absence of enthusiasm and initiative. The laziness of utilizing the brain and body as mighty devices for obtaining the desired.
That includes permanent eating/malnutrition and unhealthy living. Of course, the misuse of sexual energy; And making poor choices with one’s intimate partners. Or even worse, getting into marriage or relationship with them. Drifting also is self-doubt, indecisiveness, and procrastination. It’s negligence, denial, suppression, and the fear of accepting aspects of the one’s self. Something I more extensively address by the review’s end.
It’s letting one’s existence be dominated by circumstances. Thus not aiming for what aligns with one’s True Purpose. But satisfying with whatever life randomly throws at one.That isn’t to say that drifting includes some form of radical acceptance. Or exercising what Neitzhe calls Amor Fati. And striving to find equal amounts of extasy in both pleasures and suffering. It’s to say that one’s too lazy and distracted to take action and obtain control.Last but not least, and likely the worst. Not even bothering to discover one’s, True Will.
- Apparently, all that may be summed up by saying this. Drifting is the total opposite of Hill’s 7 principles of spiritual, mental, and physical freedom.
- Definiteness of purpose;
- Mastery over self;
- Learning from adversity;
- Controlling environmental influence (associations);
- Time (giving permanency to positive, rather than negative thought-habits and developing wisdom);
- Harmony; (acting with definiteness of purpose to become the dominating influence in your own mental, spiritual and physical environment)
- Caution (thinking through your plan before you Act);”
While the first 6 are somehow addressed throughout the whole review, about the 7th, I’ll suggest the following. Think of the internet gurus who yell at you to mindlessly take action.
To do it without considering all possible outcomes. Nor if there are ways to actually be more efficient with it. And neither whether or not this particular action won’t only waste time and efforts, while eventually burning you out.
When doing so, also imagine that N. Hill sits next to you. Then ask yourself if he would agree that blindly executing what they say is an example of thinking and acting and on your own initiative. Or would sooner suggest it’s the total opposite. — Mere obedience to some unnecessary pressure created by a modern and potent form of propaganda.
If a creator, then specifically think of those telling you to continuously push content. Regardless of whether or not you deliver value. And show and develop any skills authenticity/style.
Personal Experience (4)
Why I’m bringing this? Well, because, as a creator, I drifted quite a bit listening to those guys. Yes, there was a period when that actually happened. Can you even imagine? Rather than improving my delivery, knowledge-base, editing, filming, I only embarrassed myself quite a bit, burned out, and wasted time. One, I could surely invest researching, learning about gear, and developing those faculties. Hence into becoming an actually better creator. And not a merely more frequent uploader.
Pages 73/152/223 Quotes: The Devil Speaks:
“When a person begins drifting on any subject, he is headed straight toward the gates of what you earthbound call hell…”
“Once any person hesitates, procrastinates, or becomes indefinite about anything, he is just one step removed from my control…”
“Drifting is nothing but a negative state of mind, a state of mind conspicuous by its emptiness of purpose…”
Based on them, I’ll end this with a little conclusion. The said regarding self-destructive habits, could also apply to the various forms of drifting. — Never alone, but always working as a magnet for each other.
A critical point the book makes is that not really the Devil, but their different combinations turn life into a real hell. As mentioned, that happens here and now, in this reality. And when it all begins is pretty much immediately after the person’s born.
Hypnotic Rhythm
Depicted as nature’s way of balancing the Universe, the Hypnotic Rhythm is neither good nor bad. But instead serves the very peculiar function. That of making things permanent. Or as I like to call it to “automate” them. Supposedly you may think of H.R. the supreme Archangel or even God of that. While it doesn’t create anything, nothing already existing can stay out of its influence. To be correctly understood, H.R. must be recognized as almighty, infinite twofold power. One which can be both. Detrimental and extremely beneficial. That’s something to entirely depend on who yo how you live.
As stated in the book, “rhythm is habit’s final stage.” The one at which the last becomes so concretely maintained. That it can no longer be broken. Since from that point, there really isn’t much you can do, the key is not attempting the not possible. Avoiding Hypnotic Rhythm’s ubiquity. But using it to your own advantage. Hence as the mightiest tool for adopting the best serving your Definite Chief Aim habits, thoughts, and practices. Also, compared to a “whirlpool,” hypnotic rhythm can be taken as a pulling force. To make it permanently fixed, it “pulls” one towards whatever he or she has been doing for a while.
For Example…
Guess what will happen, you eat frequent meals and junk, not exercise, watch porn and overindulge in sex, do drugs and get drunk, listen to pick up artists, fill your mind with negative thoughts, and waste time on social media. And do that for long enough. Inevitably all those will become concretely fixed, irreplaceable parts of your identity. You’ll become them, and they’ll become you. Meaning, you’ll eventually reach a point to no longer be capable of breaking free from them.
When That Moment Comes
Well, what helped me answer this question were two things: (A) Mine and many others’ personal experiences; (B) The emerging body of scientific studies, done on willpower. What they did was making me realize the truth about willpower. Namely that regardless of what the gurus and motivational speakers say, and just like the number of one’s daily decisions, willpower is indeed a quite limited faculty.
Bearing that in mind, to my understanding, that moment occurs when breaking the vicious circle requires amounts of willpower far exceeding those one posses. Apparently, they increase over time. And the longer people do something, the more permanent/automated it becomes. Hence the more challenging/less possible breaking from it gets. While those were the bad news, there are also some great to be as equally valid. So let’s continue with a couple of quotes to hopefully encourage you to take full advantage of Hypnotic Rhythm.
Pages 132/6 Quotes: “Through this same law of hypnotic Rhythm, Nature will also fix permanently positive thoughts of opulence and prosperity. Perhaps you’ll better understand the working principle of hypnotic Rhythm if I tell you it’s nature’s way to fix all habits permanently, whether they are mental or physical…”
“If your mind fears poverty, your mind will attract poverty. If it demands opulence and expects it, your mind will attract the physical and financial equivalents of opulence. This is “in accordance” with an immutable law of nature…”
“There’s no reason why a non-drifter would want to avoid the influence of hypnotic rhythm because that law is favorable to him. It helps him convert his dominating aims, plans, and purposes into their physical replicas. It fixes habits of thought and makes them permanent…”
Now, imagine the opposite
You stop wasting your sexual energy. Hence begin using it to serve your definite chief aim; You jumpstart OMAD/Fasting and eating healthy such as working out daily; Also quit drugs and booze; Stop letting social media/influencers or anyone else dictate your culture, desires, and taste. And most persistently yet silently start pushing towards whatever you want.
Just like in the previous, in this case, the hypnotic rhythm will eventually take over. Then those things will become who you are and guess what. Once that happens, you’ll no longer need to rely on willpower to sustain them. Though some might be required at the earliest stages. Then imagining your life otherwise, will start feeling super-difficult. And if for the sake of seeing what’s going to happen, you for force yourself to not do them, everything will seem utterly wrong. And that precisely what the Time principle or giving permanency to positive, rather than negative thought-habits and developing wisdom is all about.
A Little Suggestion (1)
Another thing to be found on several occasions is that thoughts of poverty and negativity discourage “independent and accurate thought.” But ones of opulence and material goods have the totally opposite, extremely beneficial effect. That of stimulating independent thinking while attracting the latter. Because of that, I’d like to suggest something that brought me tremendous value. Going beyond just aiming for the right kinds of thoughts (in your day to day life). But also finding time to deliberately combine them with deep relaxation, stillness, and breath control.
In other words, doing the whole thing as meditation and part of your daily spiritual practice/hygiene. Performing whatever else the latter encompasses. And before or after that utilizing some fourfold breathing. While staying still, envisioning yourself already possessing the desired. What that brings us to is something essential to pretty much the entire “New Thought” tradition. Namely, that it teaches the student to operate with a mindset of having the goal already achieved. Whatever that means to you, it’s a method which this simple exercise tremendously helps with.
All you need is (A) doing it every day! (B) Being definite and at least somehow realistic; And (C) Not keeping up with the Joneses. Nor thinking of material goods to possess, mainly to flex on someone else.
Rather than wasting efforts envisioning cool yet totally unpractical stuff like “having 6 chains on,” invest the time to see, and most importantly, feel yourself living in abundance of two kinds of things. Ones to optimize your brain and body. Thus your health, performance, and life quality. And others to not just help you improve.
But actually to reach absolute excellence with your skills, talents, and crafts. What I’m saying is, embed in your mind the perception of having not liabilities but more (and the right assets). Know that only them and not the luxuries are what will help you do your best when executing on this quote:
“Be willing to render useful service equivalent to the value of all material things you demand of life and render the service first…”
— Meditate on it daily.
Self Discipline/Mastery
Page 186 Quote: “One must gain mastery over self. This is the second of the seven principles. The person who is not master of himself can never be master of others. Lack of self-mastery is, of itself, the most destructive form of indefiniteness…”
It’s no wonder why the entire 10th chapter is dedicated to self-discipline. Fundamental to personal-development, and IMHO biohacking, the same mainly boils down to mastering the three basic appetites. Those for food, sexual expression, and giving loosely organized opinions. So let’s examine each. And then cover what happens when mastering them all.
Pages 187/8 Quotes: “The majority of people are so weak in self-discipline they fill their stomachs with combinations of rich foods which please the taste but overwork the organs of digestion and elimination…”
Once more, N.Hll was far ahead of his time. What he also knew was something which, mostly due to functional medicine, science started considering only the last 1/2 decades. Namely that there’s a massive correlation between one’s eating habits and his or her mood and emotions. And mental and physical performance. Equal to permanent food poisoning, improper/conventional eating is, in fact, the root cause for the vast majority of illnesses. And according to the book, headaches. Called auto-intoxication, it tremendously overtaxes the whole system while filling one’s sewer with (a compared to deadly poison) waste. Besides, sick that makes the person physically sluggish and mentally irritable and fussy.
The author also figured out that what we now call highly palatable/increased palate complexity having products are, in fact, those to be most poisonous and addictive. Therefore, the first to stay away from when mastering the desire for food. What are those? Well, most people’s favorite, loaded with chemicals, trans fats, and processed-sugars junk.
Although nowadays, we describe them through more complex and peculiar terms, I believe Hill’s “rich food combinations” does just that. Yet in a simple, more comprehensible (to the average person) way.
A Little Suggestion (2)
To really heal yourself from the described sickness hence overcome the desire for food, you have to (A) eliminate cravings and bury your hunger; (B) develop a new relationship with food; No willpower doesn’t help! What to does, however, is applying the provided in my 4 and 5 years of fasting videos and articles information. Take that from a person who, despite was a food addict, now successfully eats OMAD for almost 7 years. While sometimes enjoys up to 2 weekly 48h fasts.
Page 189 Quote: Question — “How one can master the emotion of sex?”Answer — “By the simple process of transmuting that emotion into some form of activity other than copulation. Sex is one of the greatest of all forces which motivate human beings. Because of this fact, it is also one of the most dangerous forces. If humans would control their sex desires and transmute them into a driving force with which to carry on their occupation — that is, if they spent on their work one-half of the time they dissipate in pursuit of sex, the would never know poverty…”
Deserving a separate review, this section teaches how to avoid one of the most self-destructive mistakes. Neglecting to understand and master the desire for sex. Rather than suppressed or allowed to follow its natural course, the same must be (A) recognized as one of the most potent driving and healing forces. And (B) channeled towards productive outlets. What that means operating as an alchemist and turning the desire for mere physical expression into one for personal achievement, vitality, excellent life quality, and all the magic that comes with them. Or as written in the Kybalion.“Transforming the nondesirable into worthy thus triumphant.” Letting the might of your not physically experienced orgasms, spillover. And while turning you into a far better person immensely optimize all aspects of your existence.
Not thinking that sex is vulgar. Nor doing as organized religion says. Hence attempting to deny or eliminate this want. But seeing it as pure and divine while ensuring it’s for the right things. Thus not craving orgasms, more sex, and intimate partners. And neither doing what modern culture says and seeing those as your source/way of validation, approval, and self-worth.Rather than wasting it, you want to experience the same desire. But for accomplishing your goals, keeping yourself healthy, highly proficient/on top of your game, living your definite chief aim. Or at least steadily moving towards that. As you gradually increase your highest genius’ influence on your day to day consciousness.
N.Hill And Jung
Here I’d like to also suggest that when addressing the sexual desire or libido, N.Hill recognizes is it not that much in a Freudian but in a more Jungian way. And that is something to apply to all of his teachings. Meaning that rather than entirely sexual, to him, this actually is psychic energy. — One manifesting in a great variety of directions, including life itself.Expressed in instinct, function, and desire, it interchanges and transforms. Varying in, direction, intensity, and aim, it animates in all conscious purpose as a creative principle of life. Based on my research, both Jung and N.Hill (greatly) agree that the inception of every remarkable art piece, scientific discovery, invention, or successful business/product, is more or less originated by the same energy.
A little Suggestion (3)
When wasted or inappropriately utilized, however, its incredible potency leads to a series of adversities. Starting with a deprived of magnetism, unattractive personality, that encompasses things like laziness, lack of perseverance and definiteness, absence of drive/enthusiasm, creativity depletion, all sorts of drifting, and diminished ability to self-heal. — The last includes both mind and body. Though not taught in school and usually skipped by parents, correctly understanding and using sex is just as substantial as doing the same with nutrition. And keeping your sewer clean. Yet to find more about sex transmutation, I suggest checking my “4” and “5 years of NoFap” videos and articles. Such as that called “How to transmute your sexual energy.”
Loosely Organized Opinions
Page 194 Quote: “The habit of expressing loosely organized opinions is one of the most destructive. Its destructiveness consists in its tendency to influence people to guess instead of searching for the facts when they form opinions, create ideas, or organize plans…”
Equally destructive as the former two, this mainly encompasses three things. (1) Openly talking about your plans and goals. Here the book notes that “wise people keep their plans and ideas to themselves.” In other words, they move in silence. Besides preventing others from interfering with your schemes (as written on page 195), that if you ask me also spares facing plenty of greed, envy, and hatred.
Regrettably, people don’t want you to succeed. To prevent it from happening, they attempt to discourage you. And how they commonly do, it is with more loosely organized opinions. By eliminating that possibility and keeping your mouth shut, you do a favor to both you and the others. Why is that, is because you’re not giving them a reason to feel insecure and angry. Nor filled with other negative emotions.
(2) Giving opinions without being asked for them. The chief motive behind this is the craving for attention and impressing others. Blind to the possibility of embarrassment, the same is commonly triggered by one’s vanity and egotism. Thus could be examined as an actual craving for flattery.
(3) Though not stated in this exact manner, freely discussing or commenting on subjects you don’t comprehend. Never researched/done your homework on;And neither have any experience with. What that does is making you perceive the world through random guessing and not real information and facts. Ones to be either based on science, real-life experience, and common sense. Or ideally on a combination of them all.
A Little Suggestion (4)
No, I don’t have a written on this article. Despite that, to my mind, come a of suggestions to help you master it. (1) Move-in silence/secrecy. Thus not inform anyone about your goals and deepest desires. Instead, let others speak and patiently listen. (2) Before discussing it research a subject or topic as much as possible.
If there’s scientific evidence behind it, then always consider the latest. However, don’t allow to replace your common sense. Sometimes science makes mistakes. Remember the cigarette ads from the 60s such as Ancel Keys and the fear of saturated fat. If possible, test things yourself and be your own scientific study. Learn about as many others to use the same approach and base your opinion on all that. Give the same only when asked for it and to selected few. By the latter, I mean (A) Ones you can actually help. And want to do so. (B) Others to provide you with some valuable insights.
What Happens When You Master All Three
Unlike others, I don’t really believe, “disciplining” yourself is the outcome of that. Or at least not in the traditional sense of the word. Before continuing, however, I’d like to note that my perspective is of a person who, as mentioned, is never hungry nor eats more than once per day. Does NoFap for above 6 years. Seldom ejaculates. And whether or not I have the third, I’m leaving you to decide on your own.
Now, let’s proceed…
We’ve been told that discipline is required for achieving anything. While having it kinda make us unstoppable and could be an all problem solution, without it, we’re basically lost. Although I can’t disagree with that, there was a critical detail, none of the discipline advocates has ever told me. One, I luckily figured out on my own journey. And with modern science’s and this book’s tremendous help.
Namely, that as mighty as it is, discipline is a lot like a powerful engine. To run not just optimally, but in fact, at all, it does require fuel. Meaning that without the last, discipline is like a car with no gas. It doesn’t go anywhere. And that’s regardless of how fast it could be. Same as our bodies, discipline works with/burns two kinds of fuel. (1) Want power; (2) Willpower; Extremelly potent and valued as priceless, they are both limited resources. Yet besides their abundance, “discipline” also requires maintaining very high levels of both physical and mental energy.
What happens when you master all three isn’t that forcing yourself to do so and so completely and utterly against your will and desires becomes easy. It’s that you unlock/make readily available an ocean of those fuels. When that happens, even partially like in the cases of only eating OMAD or doing NoFap, people start reporting having superpowers. So do they have some? No, they do not! It’s just that rather than wasting, they begin cultivating and using the powers given them by nature. The same which, due to modern culture and living, they deprived themselves of since forever. Something I firmly believe is that once the first and the second are mastered, the third happens almost organically.
The want for sex is transformed into one for plenty of research requiring betterment. One to inevitably require and develop plenty of the right kinds of habits. The spend on fighting the lost battle with hunger willpower preserved. Thus widely available for meaningful things. The latter also applies to one’s number of daily decisions, physical and mental energy. And other stuff extensively discussed in the mentioned content. IMHO that at least partially does what qabalists call getting your animal soul/lower self Nephesh on board. Often described as a distracted kid, it responds to and craves tastes, smells, and pleasures. If not given those, it does everything possible to sabotage your performance.
Whether or not N.Hill’s self-discipline somehow automatically makes one’s Nephesh needs to be met, I don’t know. What I know, however, is that it definitely stops it from working against the person. So, after all, does discipline equal freedom? As we often hear in the modern self-help books? Yes, it absolutely. As long as you have enough or even a not ending source of the fuels, it runs on. — And that is precisely what the described by N.Hill self-mastery ensures.
Does this mean that it makes those literally unlimited? Well, that I can’t say. What I can is that it makes them more than enough. More than enough for what? More than enough for reaching permanency with any positive thought, habit, or practice via hypnotic rhythm. Hence it becomes fully adopted. And you no longer need using them to sustain it. That includes making the process’s earliest and most difficult stages, way more manageable. If not entirely eliminating, mastering the three basic appetites and developing the defined by N.Hill as self-discipline, drastically mitigates the influence of one’s lower self on their life. That gives the person the freedom to see and live life in a completely new way.
Тhe Definiteness Of Purpose And Тhe Definite Chief Aim
Closing the door of one’s mind against the Devil, having definiteness of purpose is the most certain escape of drifting. Also described as the starting point from which to establish your own environment, and similarly to building skill, faculty, or an impressive physique, it develops only through constant, systematic use. Or in other words, through absolute perseverance. Beginning with independent thinking, it must be exercised in all areas of life. On the surface, that’s being very particular about your goals. And arranging everything so it could contribute to their achievement.
On the grand-scale, however, all that isn’t to merely satisfy contemporary desires. But to instead turn all your thoughts and actions into a perfect sequence. One making you live your True life purpose. Called by the new thought movement definite chief aim, closest to my mind comes what Thelema defines as True or Pure Will.
What they both define isn’t solely what you want. But that you’re destined for. Thus the only to ensure living to your full potential. And allow experiencing the ultimate long-term fulfillment. It isn’t what some guru, motivational speaker, influencer, or pick up artist tries to sell you. Sorry. Maybe this isn’t what you want. But that you earlier or later start to know, The Universe intended you for. — The purpose it wants you to serve in its Grand Design. To have “definiteness of purpose,” I think, is to devote your life to best serve the same. For Napoleon Hill, that was creating the success philosophy. And writing the books we know him for.
It requires sacrifices. Pushing through periods of deep desperation. Dealing with anxiety and keep persevering no matter what. Abstaining from pleasures and going through ups and downs. Being meticulous about your decisions. Alienating yourself from friends. And possibly dying for others. Maybe it doesn’t sound fun nor easy, and could even seem not possible. Yet I’m a firm believer that obtaining the discussed self-mastery makes the impossible doable. Or at least immensely aids in that on the physical plane. Its three main aspects make you stop sitting in your own way and freely operate with definiteness. Though not necessarily to most people, the definite chief aim takes time to be discovered. And for that to happen, one must put in charge his or her Other Self.
The Other Self
Not part of the actual interview, the book begins with some real-life stories. And a rather fascinating subject. Called the Other Self, the last becomes present during Hill’s challenging period of desperation, and lack of faith. Another aspect of his mind, The Other Self, gets the author on the right track, guiding him in fulfilling his absolute True Purpose. — Writing and publishing the success philosophy, Andrew Carnegie asked him to develop.
The OS assures Hill that everything will turn out for the best. As long as instead of fearing and worrying, he has faith and focuses on the tasks at hand. Those orders make the author rediscover not just life and himself, but also “failure.” And even adversity. Then he begins recognizing the third for what it truly is. — Nothing more than temporary defeat and a fresh opportunity to try again. Now with much greater understanding and experience. How that comes to his mind is through an invaluable insight, I believe, even the best of us should meditate on. Or at least do so, whenever taking a loss.
Pages 38/203 Quotes: “I have also discovered that there comes with every experience of temporary defeat and every failure and every form of adversity, the seed of an equivalent benefit. Mind you, I don’t say the full-blown flower of success, but the seed from which that flower may be made to germinate and grow…”
“Failure is a man-made circumstance. It’s never real until it has been accepted by man as permanent. Stating It another way failure is a state of mind; therefore, it is something an individual can control until he neglects to exercise this privilege…”
In my eyes, the mentioned experience and understanding are precisely what this “seed” is the symbol of. To some extent, I also believe that kinda gives birth to a popular trend in modern self-help. Namely, to fail at something as quick as you can. So you can get input on its ins and outs. The Other Self also revives Hill’s perspective on prayer. Rather than begging for something, (from a position of scarcity and weakness), when praying, he begins incorporating a strong sense of sincere gratitude. Hence prays with the mindset of a winner, acknowledging and appreciating the already possessed. Giving him astounding results, that not only makes the author re-recognize all of his blessings. — Some of which he had temporarily forgotten. But to also be more readily guided and identified by Infinite Intelligence (as a monad of itself).
Supposedly we can safely assume that Hill’s Other Self is the main contributor to the book’s creation and the work we know him for. The more fascinating, however, is that the author reveals that we all have Other Selves. And by putting them into operation, we ensure most efficiently serving our Definite Chief Aim. Thus also automatically escape the Devil’s web. Can even you imagine?
In the face of prayer, faith, and positive thinking, Hill also shares some tools to aid us in achieving that. Undoubtedly, one of the most compelling and lifechanging things to ever read in a book, I believe that opens the door for a whole different way of self-improvement. Yet perhaps also leaving some readers with the one puzzling question.
Who/What The Other Self Is?
While solving that mystery took me some time (and more reading), to present my answer, I’ll have to first clarify something. — The meaning with which I’ll use the word “Ego” for the rest of this review. Rather than egotism or self-centeredness, by speaking of “Ego,” I’ll be referring to the following. The Individual’s center of conscious awareness. That of the personality through which one perceives both the internal and the external world. The “day to day” consciousness. And the “I” through which one experiences the reality. Including emotions, feelings, thoughts, memories and etc. In other words, I’ll be mostly using the term in its Jungian sense. Thus speaking of that part of the soul which those versed in the Qabalah call “Ruach.”
Having that clarified, let’s imagine that one’s consciousness is divided into two. Or, as N.Hill says, inside it live two different persons/entities. While completely necessary, the ego is driven by fear and malleable to the Devil’s control. But the Other Self is driven by faith and, most importantly, receptive to divine guidance. Representing one’s deeper consciousness or True Self depends on who you ask that could be seen as one’s link with his or her Holy Guardian Angel. Or Higher or Divine self. AKA that part of the soul, which is also part of GOD. Or Infinite Intelligence. Thus it’s the person’s direct link with it. Thelema calls that Khabs. Qabalah names it Yechida.
Meaning that the Other Self is the single entity within the conscious mind capable of keeping one connected with the Divine. Or said differently of channeling one’s highest and intrinsically purest genius. The same which btw is mentioned all across N.Hill’s teachings. Especially in those regarding the 6th sense; the intuition, and (of course) the sexual transmutation. What appears to be the case IMHO is that the author somehow established and strengthened that link (solely) through faith, positive thinking, and the other, referred to in his work devices. Alternatively, you may think of it like this. Your Other Self is your True Self. But your susceptible to the devil’s influence and control ego wants to usurp and command your entire conscious mind.
Where I think something similar’s depicted is in the legendary Neon Genesis Evangelion. Particularly in its 16th episode — Splitting Of The Breast. After losing consciousness during a battle, there the main character Shinji Ikari talks to his Other Self. Revealing some truths about him, those around, and the created by his ego narrative, the last appears in an extremelly challenging moment. Identically to what happens with N. Hill. Shinji’s Other Self looks like his child version. A symbol of purity and the times when his ego wasn’t so developed. And he was closer to GOD. More importantly, however, is that Shinji’s Other Self has The Sun shining behind his back and above his head as a sphere. What I think that symbolizes is the connection with the same Yechida, Kether, or HGA. Or at least, it certainly does when considering the embedded in the entire series qabalistic symbolism. Something not mentioned in Outwitting The Devil, but said in Eva, is that the OS doesn’t live only in one’s mind, but also in those of others knowing one. A product of Hideaki Anno’s genius, that concept I believe is another worthy of meditating on. So to find more about it, I highly encourage watching the anime. Now it’s on NetFlix.
Page 48 Quote: “My conception of the “Other Self” which I have tried to describe is that it merely to symbolizes a newly discovered approach to Infinite Intelligence, an approach which one may control and direct through the simple process of mixing one’s faith and thoughts…”
Based on that and the entire interview, I dare to suggest that though partially: “Putting into operation your Other Self” — could somehow be identical to one of the most significant aims of what’s known as the Western Tradition Of Spiritual Development. Namely turning your Ego/Conscious mind into a vessel for the Light of The Holy Guardian Angel. Or obtaining knowledge and conversation of the latter.
You don’t like those terms? Great! In that scenario, merely think of the quintessence and source of all genius/most brilliant thoughts and deeds, you’ll ever be capable of. Then see your ultimate/best, version which the whole self-help industry rants about, as a tiny reflection of that. Now before experts and authorities want to slap me in the face for what I just said, let me explain how I made that assumption.
Different than the Eastern Tradition, which ultimate goal is reaching Nirvana and becoming one with the Divine, by getting rid of many aspects of one’s soul, particularly the ego, that of the West strives for pretty much the total opposite. Unveiling one’s divinity by developing the mind. So it could be suitable for that. Or, as some metaphysicians say: transforming it into a cup/vessel to hold Angel’s Light.
How the Western System does that isn’t by eliminating but by bringing into operation more aspects of one’s mind. What that includes isn’t only the material, the person doesn’t utilize nor is aware of. But also that he or she deliberately suppresses and denies. Because (A) As Dr. Christopher Hyatt says, it’s not good enough to fit someone’s “idealized self.” — Leading cause of inferiority complexes, that’s the never reachable, fictitious, idealized version, he or she chooses to compare themselves with. Or (B) their persona — AKA, the edited mask they decide to show to the world. Nowadays, on social media.
Scared to be who they really and entirely are people mistreat and suppress large parts of themselves. While pushing those deep into the mind’s unknown regions prevents one from ever becoming complete. In the context of this book, it equals surrendering them to the Devil. And even calling him to come starts controlling them.
In Jungian terms, the sum total of those would be called shadow or shadow self. Although developing pretty much simultaneously with the ego, the shadow’s actually suppressed and denied by the same. Yet the less embodied/assimilated in the individual’s life, the blacker the shadow is. Hence according to OWD, the less possessed by the person and more controlled by the Devil it is.
Sorta identical to Jung’s Heilsweg or Individuation, the Western Tradition efforts to integrate all those so-called not-cool or unworthy aspects and make them serve the person’s Definite Chief Aim. It encourages people to not only recognize and accept them as theirs. But to also appreciate and even invite them on board so they could part of one’s Greatest Cause. In other words, to somehow contribute to the person’s Absolute True Life Purpose. Obviously, that I believe could also be encountered in the phrase conquering one’s inner demons. Or taming the beast within as displayed on the tarot trump 8.
That, however, is only one aspect of that development. Another is increasing the person’s ability to tap not only into his or her own. But also to the collective unconscious. and practically use information in this world. — Believing that too is an ability of a well developed other self, I once more touched on it by the review’s end.
Now, I really don’t know about you, but to me, N. Hill’s priceless advice of taking inventory of our intangible assets perfectly fits that whole concept. Especially when given in the context of Infinite Intelligence, The Other Self, tools like a prayer, and of course, the fact that the Devil dwells in the unused portions of one’s mind.
Making The Intangible Tangible
Page 45 Quote: “It may be helpful for every reader to take inventory of his intangible assets. Such an inventory may disclose possession of great value…”
Similar to most of the book, there are layers of understanding to this one as well. Or at least I believe there are. While the first is about ensuring you don’t waste skills and talents or maybe tools and equipment. Or perhaps even stuff you can sell. The more profound is that of accepting yourself as a whole. And making tangible/putting into operation as much of that whole is humanly possible.
The more you do that, the more you move the separating your ego threshold in favor of your Other Self. Hence the more you make it grow. So the more powerful and present it becomes in your daily thoughts and actions. In other words, the more appropriately shaped and pervasive to divine guidance your (day to day) consciousness becomes.
The more you neglect, suppress, deny, and refuse aspects of yourself because they don’t meet society’s ever-changing trends or criteria nor fit some twisted ideals, the more they start working against you. Hence become Devil’s property. Whether or not you want to accept that, I think the same once more brings to Jung. Splitting certain aspects of yourself because you find them somehow inappropriate, shameful, traumatic, offensive, or whatever reason might be precisely what creates psychological tension and leads to neurosis. And obviously one or more of the “basic fears.” The key is, is not denying anything of what you already are. But instead making it tangible and using it all to become that you were intended to be. Learning from and conquering life by being definite and striving to do your best, driven by divine guidance and the sense of personal achievement. Living life as nothing but a mere expression of the Universal Will.
Based on all that, I dare to say that the Other Self is the mediator or reconciler. Taking control over and even sacrificing one’s lower self, it reconciles the ego, and the mind’s suppressed aspects, with the person’s Highest Genius. — Making them work together for the latter Greatest Good. It’s the jumpstarting and sustaining the one’s alchemical process element. Or maybe even the process itself. And while I really don’t know anything about Qabalah. Nor its mighty tree of life glyph. I suggest this. If we had to attribute the Other Self to one of the holy Sephiroth, then I believe that should be to Tiphereth (Beauty). — The opposites-reconciling, mediating link between the person and divine.
Infinite Intelligence
Called Infinite Power, Supreme Consciousness, The Great G or Architect, and of course, The All, I.I. could also be recognized in other New Thought/Mind Causality books. A perfect example of that is another favorite of mine. The Written by William Walker Atkinson aka “the Three Initiates” in 1908 “The Kybalion.” According to that, we find that we live in a mental Universe. And the same is sourced from The All’s Universal Father/Mother Mind. Naming it the Universal storehouse of Infinite Intelligence, OWD teaches that by attuning our minds to it and adapting to its laws, we can manifest whatever we want.
Pages 117/165
“Recognize that your brain is a receiving set that can be attuned to receive communications from the universal storehouse of Infinite Intelligence to help you transmute your desires into their physical equivalent…”“Infinite Intelligence favors only those who adapt themselves to her laws. She makes no discrimination of fine character or pleasing personality…”
Though likely unusual, I like to think of Infinite Intelligence as the Thelemic Star goddess Nuit. Or as the same is the actual “storehouse.” manifesting from what qabalists call Ain Sof Or. Or Infinite Light. Aka the source of everything and anything. Actually to my knowing Nuit corresponds to the second veil. So to me, that’s the easiest way to envision that which no one can imagine. Or at least its somewhat more comprehensible to a finite mind aspect. Not solely because She’s the infinite space, time, and the whole Universe. Nor because OWD refers to I.I. as She. The reason for the latter is that, besides all mentioned, Nuit is the very infiniteness of experiences and possibilities which may or may not happen. Said differently, She’s all potentialities.
Also carried within each person, Hadit, aka Nuit’s masculine partner, is the center point perceiver of all those events or experiences. Because of that, I think it could be said that putting in control the Other Self is quite alike attuning one’s own Hadit to the right possibilities. Those which the sum total of makes the person’s True Life Purpose. Or definite chief aim. Then for lack of a better term, one’s consciousness downloads them. And the person manifests them on the physical plane through definiteness of purpose, while strengthening his or her own inner communion with the universe’s eternal soul.
Something which I believe is kinda what the law of attraction explains. In that way of thinking and besides all else, the Devil could be seen as the sum total of possibilities for one to fail/fall into drifting.
As found in all of N.Hill’s teachings, a critical role for the former plays the Imagination. Тhe stronger it is, the more readily those downloads happen. And the more perfect I think, the earlier suggested sequence becomes. Such as that of the intuition, the source imagination is rooted in the unconscious.
Part of what I meant when speaking of the Other Self’s functions, I think that opens plenty of room for researching another brilliant mind of the New Thought tradition. Nevil Goddard. A core belief in his principles is that GOD actually is the people’s imagination. And the same is what creates reality. Whether or not that entirely describes the truth, I can’t say. What I can, however, is that it provides another unique perspective of basically the same.
Now before the final words, I believe it’s only right to not skip on something: appropriately crediting the spiritual leaders whose work helped find explications of the last two subjects. While the list undoubtedly begins with Dr. Israel Regardie, because of who I kinda learned about the others, it also includes Dion Fortune, Dr. Christopher Hyatt, who worked with Dr. Regardie, the earlier quoted Manly Palmer Hall and Neville Goddard. Yet to get a better grasp of their work helped me podcasts and lectures of the modern-day Lon Milo Duquette and Dr. David Shoemaker. And though it may sound odd, without mentioning their names, that review wouldn’t be finished. Or at least, it wouldn’t be finished to both my Other Self and me.
Final Words
What I think makes OWD priceless is that it conveys not only some fundamental truths about the Universe. But also hints for aspects of some of the most ancient and potent transformational practices. And philosophies.Presenting them in a manner understandable by simple, noninitiated people like me, it opens doors for a whole new level of self-development. One based on seeking wisdom beyond the seen here and now. Yet also deeply within. Moreover, it does that while elegantly staying in the context we live in. And the imposed by organized religion belief system. By even employing the same’s symbol of ultimate evil.Through that, it reveals the reader the harsh reality. Namely that whether or not liking it, the former is at war. And that’s valid from the moment of one’s birth.
What that war is against are two things. (1) One’s ego worst qualities; (2) The existing in one’s mind and in the outside world Devil’s weapons and devices. Aiming to drag one into drifting, by enlarging the first, the second group is pretty much omnipresent within our society. The good news, however, is that they can’t really work without the person’s help.That reminds of the battle’s ultimate goal. Increasing the possession of one’s own mind. How I think that’s done is through definiteness of purpose and of course, by not denying. But assimilating more of one’s entirety as a mighty, functioning Other Self. The more that’s achieved, the fitter for serving one’s definite chief aim the person becomes. And the more guided by Infinite Intelligence he or she gets. Something which despite its utmost importance, I believe the modern self-help tends to neglect.
Thank You For Your Time!