Mistakenly considered ‘less cool,’ the Lesser rituals play a crucial role in navigating the Tree of Life and setting up a magickal space. Recently, we delved into their meanings and symbolism.
In this one, we’ll discuss alternative perspectives on them working together. While some information will repeat, I suggest starting with the previous videos.
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The Lesser Rituals
As we covered, the LRP and LRH were invented by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Still influencing occulture, the Golden Dawn was an outer order of the inner Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis.
The key detail is that while the LRP was taught in this outer order, the LRH was kept for the inner.
By bringing internal balance and psychic negentropy, the LRP elevates you from mundane mindstates associated with Malkuth to a higher and closer to Tiphereth. It puts you at the intersection of the paths of Samekh and Peh, which ‘enables’ or ‘unlocks’ several operations.