The Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram, and the Keyword Analysis

9 min readDec 8, 2022


This is an explication of the Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram (LRH), as presented in most books on Western Magick. Besides background on the technique and its uses, the post includes some suggestions for experimentation to help your magick.

Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis

Essential to practical magick, LRH was initially kept by the Golden Dawn only for adepts of the grade of Adeptus Minor (5=6). Besides making it their first macrocosmic technique, this also placed LRH in the same category with rites like SIRP, a thorough examination of which you can read and watch on here.

Crowley and AA

Later, Crowley made arrangements, including the ritual, at the beginning of the path for A∴A∴ adepts. In its invoking form, LRH brings the elements’ macrocosmic aspects, making the working impact the objective reality. Its banishing form clears the heavenly realm while keeping the outer world at bay.

Pentagram and Hexagram

As we covered in previous videos, the pentagram represents the microcosm or the inner world, whereas the hexagram the macrocosm (or objective reality). From a practical standpoint, the key is sequencing your preliminary rites. So they open these to each other, creating a field of operation that lets thought become a reality more readily.

The Hexagram

According to Regardie’s The Golden Dawn, the hexagram is:

“a powerful symbol representing the operation of the Seven Planets under the presidency of the Sephiroth, and of the seven-lettered name ARARITA.”


Standing for ‘Achad Rosh Achdotho Rosh Ichudo Temurato Achad,’ ARARITA is the divine name to vibrate in each direction when performing LRH. Coming from Aramaic, ARARITA is a notaricon translating into: “One is his beginning. One is his individuality. His permutation is one.” According to LMD, the most concise explication of ARARITA can be found in The Star Sapphire, where Crowley wrote: “six in One through the names of Seven in One, Ararita.”

Beyond Duality and Conceptualization

“The use of this Name and Formula [ARARITA] is to equate and identify every idea with its opposite; thus being released from the obsession of thinking any one of them as ‘true’ (and therefore binding); one can withdraw oneself from the whole sphere of the Ruach…”

Accomplishing that lets the magician transcend the limitations and restrictions of the day-to-day mind, which operates entirely on duality and conceptualization.

The Tree of Life

Standing for ‘Achad Rosh Achdotho Rosh Ichudo Temurato Achad,’ ARARITA is the divine name to vibrate in each direction when performing LRH. Coming from Aramaic, ARARITA is a notaricon translating into: “One is his beginning. One is his individuality. His permutation is one.” According to Lon Milo Duquette, the most concise explication of ARARITA can be found in The Star Sapphire, where Crowley wrote: “six in One through the names of Seven in One, Ararita.”


The Tree of Life diagram shows that the hexagram takes up the space from the Binah-Daath to Yesod when superimposed on it. Corresponding to Vau of the YHVH (or King, Queen, Prince, Princess), this hexagram or 6 also symbolizes the operator’s HGA (i.e., the prince). On the other hand, the magician is the microcosm or 5, such as the final He of the formula.

That’s why the regular performance of LRP and LRH unites these two turning them into ‘one’ above conceptualization and denial. The rite where that is best depicted is Crowley’s The Star Sapphire. Though that’s a subject for another post, I believe it would be appropriate to include this quote from


“I also welded together the Flaming Star with the Sixfold Star in the forge of my soul, and behold! A new star that is above all these.”

Fields of Operation

To learn about different combinations of lesser pentagram and hexagram rituals, I offer my two-part video, Fields of Operation in Practical Magick. Such as the cheat sheet I released on the model on my Etsy store. Besides readily memorable diagrams, the print includes simple instructions for each combination to foster your magick.

Tree of Life

The Tree of Life diagram shows that the hexagram takes up the space from the Binah-Daath to Yesod when superimposed on it. Corresponding to Vau of the YHVH (or King, Queen, Prince, Princess), this hexagram or 6 also symbolizes the operator’s HGA (i.e., the prince). On the other hand, the magician is the microcosm or 5, such as the final He of the formula.

Different Hexagrams

Initially, The Golden Dawn came up with their ‘traditional’ hexagrams. Representing the different elements, these don’t resemble (actual) stars but look like two triangles underneath each other.

Elemental Hexagrams

The fire hexagram is made of two red triangles partially overlaying each other (upwardly). Rhomboid-like, the air hexagram comprises two yellow triangles that (kinda) mirror each other while sharing a horizontal line. The water hexagram includes two blue triangles to (also) mirror each other but oppositely, having their top angles touching. Different is (only) the ‘earth’ hexagram having its triangles interlinking. Being also that of Saturn, in the Greater and the Supreme Hexagram rituals (GRH) and (SRH), the same is an (actual) star with its triangles interlinking.

Saturn and Earth

The LRH section of Regardie’s The Golden Dawn vaguely mentions Saturn’s hexagrams can be used for ‘general and ‘unimportant workings,’ which supposedly includes preliminary work. In that regard, the book suggests looking at the Saturn hexagram in LRH similarly to how you look at the Earth pentagram in LRP — it is a general-purpose tool since Earth contains all 4 elements.

Denser Energies and the Path of Tav (32nd)

One reason is that Earth and Saturn both represent denser energies. Besides that, and less commonly mentioned (as my viewer Dyan Shah123 wants to know), the 32nd path in the Tree of life corresponds to the physical universe and the 4 elements displayed in the Universe Tarot Trump, which all attributes to the letter Tav and Saturn. Also, to A.A.’s Neophyte Grade. This reminds us Crowley invented a Thelemic LRH, employing Saturn’s unicursal hexagram in all four quadrants, which we’ll discuss in a moment.


Unlike the pentagram rituals, which I explain in my SIRP video, Golden Dawn’s elemental hexagrams rituals use deosil (clockwise) and widdershins (counterclockwise) notation for invoking and banishing, while (always) starting with the upright triangle. Like LRP, LRH begins in the East and moves clockwise, connecting each hexagram with a line of white brilliance, eventually forming a circle.

Unicursal Hexagram

Suppose you opt for the unicursal hexagram. According to most books — including Regardie’s Ceremonial Magick and LMD’s The Magick of Aleister Crowley — its banishing form begins at the uppermost angle going counterclockwise, whereas the invoking at the lower left proceeding clockwise. According to some Pinterest content, the banishing form differs from those books, starting at the topmost angle and going counterclockwise. Whatever the case, the Saturnian hexagram goes with the symbol of Saturn, which goes with the appropriate god name, YHVH ELOHIM. Meaning you trace and vibrate that after completing each star.


Traditionally, LRH uses what are considered to be elements’ heavenly or (astral places) in the celestial realm. Thus they follow the cardinal positions of the four cardinal signs in astrology, in which the Sun theoretically enters during solstices and equinoxes. That is Aries and Fire in the East, Capricorn, Earth in the South, Libra, Air in the West, and Cancer and Water in the North.

Pearls of Wisdom and Living Thelema

According to the books Pearls of Wisdom by James A. Eshelman and Living Thelema by David Shoemaker, this order of the elements should be only used if you are in a consecrated GD vault of Adepts by the second order. As long as I found, Eshelman regards the ‘traditional’ way as having a blind, a statement supported by other authors. Dr. Shoemaker claims it is ‘incorrect’ and unsuitable for daily use (outside such vault). Unless in such a setting, you should follow the order of your LRP and SRP, placing the elements in the exact directions.

The ‘Winds’ Model

For those using the traditional GD ‘winds’ model, that’s Air in the East, Fire in the South, Water in the West, and Earth in the North. For others, positioning the elements based on their mutual qualities, it (usually) is Fire in the East, Air in the South, Water in the West, and Earth in the North — as emphasized in Jeff Rhoades’s Hermetic Qabala. According to (other) modern scholars, it is not one over the other, but having two different techniques for performing LRH macro and microcosmically.

Question (1)

What do you think of that? Also, what order do you use and why? Do you think those performing LRH differently than you mistaken? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.

Replacing ARARITA

Also recommended by Eschelman and Shoemaker is replacing the word ARARITA with the three sentences it means.

The Keyword Analysis

Like all hexagram rituals, LRH begins with the preliminary keyword analysis. Essentially, the latter is to LRH what the Qabalistic Cross (QC) is to LRP. Derived from Golden Dawn’s 5=6 ceremony, the ‘Keyword Analysis’ is often regarded as an improved version of the day by adepts of the Aeon of Osiris. It includes the Christian formula of Resurrection INRI. While the QC identifies the magician as an ideal reflection of the ‘Tree of Life,’ the keyword analysis affirms them as a part of the ever-evolving magical formula.


In Hebrew, these are the initials of the elements, Iaminim (Water), Nour (Fire), Ruach (Air), and Iebschah (Earth). In Latin, that stands for Iēsus Nazarēnus, Rēx Iūdaeōrum, which in English translates into Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews. Corresponding to the IAO of the Gnostics and the Egyptians, INRI was also adopted to convey the three basic alchemical principles (salt, sulfur, and mercury). Also, the words: Igne Natura Renovatur Integra, or ‘By Fire, Nature is Renewed.’ Though that’s rare, some sources attribute INRI to ‘Igne Nitrum Roris Invenitur,’ which means: By fire, the niter or (saltpeter, the mineral form of potassium) of the dew is discovered.


Step 1

The Keyword analysis thus LRH begins by facing East and saying the following:


Step 2

Assume the Godform of Osiris slain, saying:
‘The sign of Osiris Slain.’
Assume the Godform of morning Isis, saying:
‘The sign of morning of Isis.’
Assume the Godform of Apophis and Typhon, saying:
‘The sign of Apophis and Typhon.’
Assume the Godform of Osiris risen, saying:
‘The sign of Osiris risen.’


After that, extend arms as if forming a cross, saying LVX or LUX, or one after the other. Remaining in that position, say: ‘The Light of the Cross.’

Step 3 — The Tablet of Union

If you have the tablets around, pronounce the names of the ‘Mystical Tablet of Union’ — EXARP, HCOMA, NANTA, BITOM.

Step 4 — Bringing the Light Down

Then make a gesture as if bringing the light down, saying:
‘Let the divine light descend!’

Thoughts and Suggestions

Simplifying Things

To simplify things and make the right more straightforward, you can say only: Slayed Osiris, Morning Isis, Apophis/Typhon, Osiris Risen.


Based on a reasonable argument outlined by Nick Ferril in this article, you can swap out Apophis/Typhon for Set/Typhon. Based on common sense and personal intuition, that’s a pretty good idea since it not only matches the original myth of Osiris better, but it also aligns you with the co-existing with that of Horus Aeon of Set and the Set/Typhon current authors like Don Webb explain in their works. Let me know what you think of that and whether you want more reviews of such books on this channel.

Enochian Names

Lastly, since it was an elaboration adopted by Stella Matutina, using the Enochian names is omitted in most books. Yet, the GD has it. And (I think) it is appropriate to use if you have the tablets around and plan to proceed with rites like SIRP or OBW, engaging them in your operation. Based on intuition and experience, that further connects your field of operation to physical reality, as LRH works on the macrocosm, but the Enochian names rule the elements.

Question 2

All this, however, might be a placebo effect. But if that’s the case, does this make the technique less magickal? If so, how? Let me know what you think of that in the comments below the video… Or sent me an email…




Written by POTB

I write about Philosophy, Psychology, Personal Development, Human Experience and Tech. I love books and am author of two. I also make music.

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