The Lesser Pentagram Ritual LIRP/LBRP

15 min readSep 5, 2020


Extraordinary and very eclectic, the Western Spiritual Tradition can take more than a lifetime studying. Based on hermetic Qabalah, the same encompasses methods and practices from ancient Egypt and Greece. Such as others developed in England during the Medieval ages. Nevertheless, the Western path begins with mastering one exercise — the Lesser Pentagram Ritual. Despite simple, the same is of immense importance. And the more it’s practiced, the more it reveals its enormous


For this, right after my Middle Pillar tutorial, I’ll (much briefly) explain the rite, expanding on the following: (1) Some background on its origins and primary uses. (2) How to perform it and how it works. And (3) a few thoughts and suggestions, including personal experience. Before that, however, I feel it’s only right to do this disclaimer.


I don’t pretend to be an authority nor expert on any of the subjects of discussion. Nor I’m initiated in any system or method. And neither affiliated with any organization or order. Following a I use exercises like this for self-exploration and personal development. And create content to hopefully help others — nothing more, nothing less. Given that, let’s run some intro and begin.

Origins and Uses

Dealing with the physical and lower astral planes, the Lesser Pentagram Ritual is commonly regarded as LIRP and LBRP — the Lesser Invoking and Banishing Rituals of the Pentagram. It can also be performed as an exercise in concentration. That’s both seated and lying down in mediation. Given to of the first (or outer) Golden Dawn order, the LRP serves numerous purposes. While that begins with general, somewhat unimportant invocations, it proceeds with: protection against opposing forces and attracting others that are spiritual, thus seemingly invisible.

Through this, one has an incredibly mighty tool for consecrating working space, creating an operational environment, and understanding powers that have been around since forever — working within the person and their life. The last being increasing awareness of things one couldn’t sense formerly.

Essential to Golden Dawn and Thelema, LRP builds the basis for virtually all more sophisticated rites to possibly begin practicing. Starting with its Greater and Supreme variations, that continues with their hexagram counterparts and constructing various sequences.

This leads us to something crucial clarifying. “Lesser” really doesn’t mean somewhat worse than “Greater.” Instead, it says that the rite sets the field up but doesn’t attune the space to specific force or power. For this, the Greater and Supreme versions are utilized.

Exceedingly more popular than the invoking (and nonetheless, there are different opinions on this, as later addressed), the banishing form is commonly regarded as the “standard” cleansing rite. The same is utilized to prepare the temple for meditation or other spiritual work. Plus, LBRP can also be done as purification from emotional distress, negative and junk thoughts, psychic impurities, and magnetism, and finds application in psychotherapy. Or at least, it does, according to page 194, of the Middle Pillar’s second edition.


The first mandatory to practice LRP is good familiarity with its components and stages. Those being: the Qabalistic Cross, the drawing and color of the pentagrams, the signs and Hebrew god names, and the archangels’ invocation. Once that’s is obtained, you can start practicing the ritual, increasing proficiency. So let’s explain how it progresses while saying a few words about each.

The Qabalistic Cross
The Lesser Pentagram ritual begins with building the QC within your aura. If not acquainted with that, check my Middle Pillar tutorial; t also provides a concise yet pretty thorough explication of this. For the sake of this tutorial, I only go through the QC’s physical actions.

  1. Go to the center of your room and face east.
  2. Touch your forehead, vibrating ‘Atah.’
  3. Touch your genital area, vibrating ‘Malkuth.’
  4. Do the same with your right shoulder, pronouncing ‘Ve-Geburah.’
  5. Repeat with the left shoulder, and vibrate ‘Ve-Gedulah.’
  6. Clasp hands before your chest as if praying, saying ‘Leh-Oh-Lahm-Amin.’


Depending on how those are traced, the rite either invokes or banishes all four elements. As mentioned, LRP is utilized for general purposes. For this, it employs an Earth pentagram in all 4 directions. This is because Earth is a compound element containing (within itself) all elements’ more tangible and “heavier” aspects.

The invoking Earth pentagram begins right at the topmost angle and proceeds clockwise. The banishing commences at a lower left angle, going up counter-clockwise. All that could be summed up by merely memorizing the pentagram’s attributions. And adopting this rule found on page 362 of the Golden Dawn by Dr. Isreal Regardie and John Michael Greer…

“Invoke towards, and banish from, the point to which the element is attributed…”THE GOLDEN DAWN. PAGE 362.

Pro Tip

A thing to help with that is envisioning the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card. More specifically, using your mind to superimpose the pentagram on it. This shows that Ezikiel’s 4 Kerubic beasts’ positions perfectly match the star’s elemental attributions. Plus, that gets even handier when working the rite’s more complex variations.

Another to remember for drawing pentagrams is this: Always go clockwise to invoke and counter-clockwise to banish. The first being called deosil, whereas the second widdershins. It’s most appropriate to start envisioning these “general-purpose” pentagrams in electric, golden-blue color. That’s one identical to stove flame.


Nonetheless, this might be modified (once having proficiency with the exercise). Then you may begin projecting the 4 stars in the following colors: Yellow for the Air in the east; Bright red for that of Fire in the south; Dark blue for the one of Water in the west; and green for that of Earth in the north.


Essentially, you want the upper angle matching with your forehead; the side two with your shoulders, and the lower couple with your hips’ level. How to draw perfect pentagrams, you can search the Middle Pillar book. Or merely to think of what the pentagram represents, i.e., the which is the universe within, (more particularly, the perfected human being and spirit’s dominion over matter).

The LRP progresses, clockwise moving from east to south, west, and north, ultimately casting a circle. Do this by either staying exactly where you are (facing east). Or, ideally, if your space allows for it, (first) take 1–2 steps forward — the last being from the center toward each direction. If lacking space, then performing 90° turns (or spins) on the right heel is also perfect. Before proceeding with the next, you firstly charge/activate the pentagram you’ve just drawn. Achieved via an appropriate procedure, this is repeated in all 4 quarters.


Once a pentagram is traced, comes the time for charging it. That’s done by utilizing some Hebrew power words and two . While a different name activates each pentagram, the gestures repeat for all four — those being the so-called neophyte or 0=0 signs.

Also known as that of Horus, the first is the sign of the Enterer. It comprises several physical actions performed in some of a sequence. (1) Inhaling deeply through your nose while bringing hands up to your head’s sides. (2) Advancing your left foot while forwardly thrusting arms and upper body. And (3) making your arms straight, perpendicular to the floor, while fully exhaling, and pronouncing the name with maximum power, within the pentagon shape. Said differently, striking the star right in its center with outstretched fingers and the god name…

Then the name travels to that end of the universe, making the planets and stars oscillate.

Even that remaining firm is a must, somewhat leaning forward is required when doing this. Equally crucial is also envisioning how both your voice and physical actions deliver the god name right to the star’s center, really activating and ensouling the symbol, making it alive. Then the star begins burning brighter, intensifying its potency.


If not knowing how to “vibrate” these words of power, I suggest checking my Middle Pillar tutorial. The same also addresses that. More traditionally, the names are visualized in two ways. (A) A color identical to that of the pentagrams. And (B) in brilliant white light.

To complete charging a pentagram, you want to assume another god form… Or to make another sign. That’s the one of Horus’s brother — Harpocrates. Also known as the “Sign of Silence and Protection,” this is usually given right after thе one of the Enterer. The reason is for cutting the energy when charging symbols. As said in the Golden Dawn book

“The sign of silence withdraws the energy put by the sign of the Enterer…”

Even that remaining firm is a must, somewhat leaning forward is required when doing this. Equally crucial is also envisioning how both your voice and physical actions deliver the god name right to the star’s center, really activating and ensouling the symbol, making it alive. Then the star begins burning brighter, intensifying its potency.

Then the name travels to that end of the universe, making the planets and stars oscillate.

If not knowing how to these words of power, I suggest checking my Middle Pillar tutorial. The same also addresses that. More traditionally, the names are visualized in two ways. (A) A color identical to that of the pentagrams. And (B) in brilliant white light.

“The sign of silence withdraws the energy put by the sign of the Enterer…” THE GOLDEN DAWN

As mentioned in this post, the visualizations are vital for all these exercises. So ensure to feel them nicely, knowing they really happen!

If new to all this, then separately practicing the signs and the pentagrams might be a good idea. Besides, for smoother transitions, the same allows for better focusing on your visualizations. And while doing resh 4 times a day is very useful to the former, my favorite explication of charging symbols can be found in Lon Milo Duquette’s The Magick of Aleister Crowley.


To charge the east or Air pentagram, you vibrate Yod-Hey-Hav-Hey. That’s the tetragrammaton symbolizing God’s ineffable name. To ensoul the south pentagram, use Adonai (lord) — the word ancient Hebrews used to talk to God and the same those working in the Golden Dawn system employ to turn to their HGA. The western pentagram gets charged with Eheiheh, which means “I’m,” “I shall be,” and “I exist.” And the northern activated with the Notaricon or acronym AGLA. What that stands for is “Atah G’ibor Le-oh-Lam Adonai.” Meaning: “Thou art great forever, my Lord.” So, if that feels more natural, you can also employ the whole thing and not only the initials.


For those not knowing, Notaricon is a system of finding acronyms, where the first letters of a series of terms create a new word(s). Тhankfully! I know that because of Donald Michael Kraig’s Modern Magick. The same, I think, is a must for anyone messing with that stuff in this day and age.

On to the Next

Once a pentagram is charged, you want to outstretch your right arm, stabbing it right in the center. That’s done by using the same fingers you traced it with. Then while moving to the next direction (making a 90° turn), envision a golden blue light trace. Forming one-fourth of a circle around, the latter is somewhat less thick then the pentagram’s line. It connects the east and south quadrangles, then the south and west, and finally the west and north.

Full Circle

Having all four pentagrams and the circle fully established, you spread both of your arms, emulating a cross shape. If holding a dagger, the same must point upward. From this position, you call upon the forth great archangels, using the appropriate vocabulary. That’s… Before me, Raphael! Behind me, Gabriel! On my right hand Michael! On my left hand Auriel! For about me flames the pentagram and within the column shines the six-rayed star! Then you finish with a Qabalistic Cross. And that’s basically it. So with all of it covered, let’s quickly go throughout the whole exercise.

How to Actually Do It

Preliminaries and Cleansing

As mentioned, the LRP is the best for commencing all your spiritual workings. Before that, though, it’s ideal taking a couple of simple preliminary steps. (1) Ensuring that the room or space dedicated to all your spiritual workings is duly cleaned. Hence there’s no dust nor dirt on the floor, nor anywhere else. And (2) taking a cleansing bath or shower. The purpose of doing the second isn’t solely cleaning your body, but also purifying the mind of potentially accumulated negativity.

Already cleansed, put your dedicated-to-this-type-of work robe or garments… Or merely some fresh clothes from your wardrobe. Then enter the room or space you use for spiritual work and perform a little relaxation ritual. That’s spending a few minutes in your preferred meditation posture, staying still and breathing rhythmically, using the fourfold breath.

Creating a proper atmosphere or sacred space and further clearing the mind, the last can be done in two ways: (A) envisioning a lighting ball growing all around you as a protective shield. And (B) emptying your mind by focusing on the breath. If having a mantra, you can use that too.


Having the QC fully established, take a moment to feel its might and presence, identifying yourself with it. Then draw and activate your first pentagram in “the air,” right before you, using YHVH. Once the air or east pentagram is charged, stab it right in its center with the same fingers you used to draw it. And then move south.


Facing south, with the first pentagram burning next to you, you’re ready for tracing and charging the Fire pentagram. For this, you want to repeat precisely the same, yet using Adonai. Once done with that, stab the already activated south pentagram (just like you did with that in the east) and perform the next 90° turn. Having your right hand outstretched as before (with this), you carry the light west, completing half of the circle.


Now facing west, repeat the procedure for the Water pentagram, employing the name Eheieh. After the symbol feels alive, stab its center. And then perform the third 90° turn, carrying the light north, tracing another quarter of the circle.


Having 3/4s of the circle (and three stars burning) draw the 4th (and last) pentagram. Staying in the northern quadrangle, that’s the one Earth. Use AGLA (or “Atah G’ibor Le-oh-Lam Adonai” to ensoul it. And then stab its center, performing the last 90° turn, ultimately completing your circle.


With this, you end up precisely where you started facing the rising sun’s direction . Surrounded by a full circle and all 4 (burning) pentagrams, you want to maximally spread arms to the sides, once more identifying yourself with the cross, which also symbolises the 4 elements.

Expanding the Circle

Then envision, the already completed circle expanding, eventually forming a surrounding ball of electric blue light. Hold awareness on that for a moment, genuinely feeling the might and protection it grants you. And after that, proceed with the rite’s next stage — the archangels’ invocation. To do this, you want to: (A) vibrate the earlier mentioned with maximum power. And (B) bring to mind the corresponding visualizations.


The first here is: Before me, Raphael! Vibrating that, you want to envision a mighty Archangel right before the eastern pentagram. Dressed in yellow robes with purple ornaments, (or vice versa — based on what you prefer), the same protects you, filling the east quadrangle with its vast wings. Having an enormous body, Raphael, the archangel of Air, carries a caduceus wand.

To feel Raphael’s presence, make yourself sense some cleansing winds (or fresh Air) coming from the east.

After recognizing (and really feeling) that say: “Behind me, Gabriel!” With this, envision another mighty figure, towering behind you. That being right next to the west pentagram. Rocking blue robes with subtle golden ornaments, Gabriel, the Water Archangel, carries a chalice and fills the western quadrangle with its vast wings.

To experience Gabriel, imagine being purified by some fresh divine water.

In the presence of the two mentioned, you want to call upon the archangel who stays in the south. How to do this is by saying: “On my right hand, Michael!” While doing so, envision another towering figure of power, next to the south pentagram. Covering that quadrangle with its gigantic wings, Michael, the Fire archangel, wears red robes with subtle green ornaments and holds a flaming sword…

To really feel that, make yourself sense some heat coming from the south… and being consecrated by the divine Fire itself.

Last but not least comes the time to call upon the fourth archangel. That’s the one staying in the north. For this, you want to say: “On my left hand Auriel!” And envision the following — a fourth mighty archangel right next to the northern pentagram, guarding you, filling that space with its wings. Dressed in black and white (or brown and green) robes and carrying sheaves of wheat, that’s Auriel — the archangel of Earth.

To experience Auriel’s power, deliberately make a point of knowing you’re fully grounded and firm.

Become the Pentagram

Having the archangels invoked, really feel their presence and might, further intensifying the burning stars’ potency. Once that’s accomplished, keep your arms spread as they are. Along with that, move your left foot to the left, the right to the right, thus assuming some of a pentagram shape.

Then, envision and genuinely experience the following: (1) Another flaming pentagram superimposed upon your front body, basically matching the posture you just assumed; And (2) a golden hexagram right behind or within you, depending on what you prefer. That’s within your heart or Tiphereth center. Feel those nicely and after that, recite with full power:

“For about me flames the pentagram. And in the column shines the six-rayed star!”

Thoughts and Suggestions

With all that complete, spend a moment visualizing and experiencing all of the rite’s elements. Definitely make a good point of recognizing yourself as a perfected microcosm. And then wrap up with a closing Qabalistic Cross. Said differently, finish precisely how you began. Then either continue with the next exercise planned. Or go with your day…

“As a form of prayer, the invoking ritual should be used in the morning, the banishing in the evening…”

Modern Scholars and the Lesser Pentagram Ritual

Further practicing and researching, I stumbled on content and books of three contemporary authorities on the western mysteries. Those being Dr. David Shoemaker and his Living Thelema Podcast. Nick Farell and his blog. And Donald Tyson, particularly his guide into Golden Dawn system.

Not only, it turned out they all believe invoking is just as important as banishing, but the 2 latter even advocate emphasizing it, especially for beginners. For this, I decided to include some pieces of their wisdom to (help) balance your practices, getting enough of both — invoking and banishing. So let’s begin with the first…

“There’s the invoking form too. And… I think there’s a lot of emphasis on the banishing form as a daily ritual. But there’s a lot to be gained by performing that invoking form of the ritual daily as well. So if you do a twice-a-day performance, you might consider doing one of them as banishing and one of them as an invoking…”
Dr. David Shoemaker. Living Thelema Podcast. The segment on the LRP.

“The LRP makes changes to the Sphere of Sensation so that the person gradually develops. It does not so much do this by banishing, as it does by placing powerful symbols within the sphere of sensation which become enforced over a period of time…(…)”

“The regular placing of symbols in the Sphere of Sensation of a willing person will slowly change their reality. The unconscious knowledge that their past, present, and future are all under their own control moves them from being a victim in life to a magician of power. Negative symbols of powerlessness and weakness are slowly replaced with that image of occult power, the pentagram…”

“The symbolic disconnection from spiritual reality is replaced with positive symbols enabling the higher aspects of the self to draw close. It is this effect more than others, which makes the LRP a vital part of the daily routine of anyone using the tradition of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn…”
Nick Farrel. Cracking The Ritual of The Pentagram.

“It is important to open your consciousness to the presence of subtle currents and spiritual entities. These exist all around you and have always existed…(…) I have described the Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram rather than the Lesser Banishing Ritual in order to attract these forces, not drive them away. The beginner seldom needs to worry about too much contact with spirits, but often is vexed by a complete lack of contact. Regular practice of the Lesser Pentagram Ritual is the best way to activate occult perceptions and latent abilities…”
Donald Tyson. The Magician’s Workbook.


All these remind mentioning another I learned purely through personal experience. Like putting whole my life on hold, focusing solely on banishing kinda freezes everything for me. If sustained for weeks, that starts making me lack excitement and drive to pursue anything. The final outcome is feeling deprived of those and actually becoming passive when taking action is mandatory.

Nonetheless, there are two cases when I find focusing on the banishing as very beneficial. (1) When feeling too anxious or somewhat off. And (2) when doing the Greater form for extended periods. Yet… let’s not forget that this claim is based on nothing but the mentioned period of daily practice, some reading, and lots of ignorance. So keep that in mind as well.

Final Words

Fully utilized (in both of its forms), the LRP provides invaluable insights. It builds of understanding of the forces of operation and oneself. It also balances the personality, equilibrating the elements. Through that, LRP prepares for working with and better comprehending other more sophisticated rites.

Thank You For Your Time!

Originally published at on September 5, 2020.




Written by POTB

I write about Philosophy, Psychology, Personal Development, Human Experience and Tech. I love books and am author of two. I also make music.

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