The phrase ‘Left-Hand Path’ can be traced to the British novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton and his work Zanoni, which gained popularity among Victorian magicians. The author introduced the concept to the English-speaking world by employing the Indian ‘Vamamachara’ or ‘Vamamarga,’ which he interpreted as ‘obtaining immortality at the expense of being human.’
Us vs Them
Up until now, those with an ‘us versus them’ mentality use the phrase ‘Left-Hand Path’ to describe the ‘different’ or others. It depicts whatever differed from conventions and (thus) the adversary. Recognizing its power, Anton LaVey embraced that when creating the Church of Satan. Whatever conventional religion deemed evil, LaVey glorified. Hence, his magickal formula was ‘indulgence.’
When creating the Temple of Set, Dr. Michael Aquino interpreted the ‘Left-Hand Path’ differently. He viewed it as that of non-union, a philosophy rejecting the idea of becoming one with the cosmos, God, the all, etc. Such definitions go hand in hand with the notion that LHP followers hold their light instead of pouring it into the cup of Babalon.
Being Aquino’s student and Don Webb’s initiator, Dr. Stephen Flowersrecognizes the ‘Left-Hand Path’ as more complicated. In his ‘Lords of the Left-Hand Path,’ Flowers provides two translations. One is ‘the way of the woman.’ Another deeper one — that of non-union or isolation from one’s societal programming and, basically, egregor. Embracing such a path leads to developing independent (or, if you will) an actually ‘authentic free will.’
Spiritual Dissent
Contrary to popular belief, one doesn’t become LHP by simply having more sex and/or adopting an edgy goth style. These things are already mainstream and are often (even) the norm. Similarly, rejecting all conventions is not required. An LHP follower is not a degenerate; quite the opposite. Many conventions are necessary for one’s secrecy and functioning in cities and communities. This is emphasized in Webb’s Energy Magick of the Vampyre regarding the social parasite.
Indian Sects
Stephen Flowers reveals that ‘Vamamarga,’ the ‘left way,’ is the opposite of ‘Dakshinakara,’ the ‘right one.’ The second follows the natural flow, while the first opposes or isolates itself from it. Flowers supposes the distinction is rooted in the tantric concepts of ‘natural flow’ and ‘life force.’
The ‘Right-Hand Path’ aligns with natural flow. To reverse this pattern, Flowers explains, requires exercising will. I believe it’s safe to say this is very deliberate and conscious, desires, intent and effort. Thus, it (inevitably) involves willpower and decision-making. Let me know what you think.
The Left Way
Flowers describes the ‘Left-Hand Path’ as a non-union with the objective universe. It’s a way of isolating consciousness (within the subjective) and perfecting one’s soul through psychic solitude. An initiation, therefore, isn’t a single working but one’s essence’s evolution from state to state. Based on my research, Setian initiation lasts nine years of achieving Xeper, or ‘coming into being’ — the main goal of the LHP student.
Against God and Nature
Flowers defines Gurdjieff and Ouspensky as accidental Lords of the Left-Hand Path, and the same applies to Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. The latter encourages not dissolving into the all but individuation — ascending one’s consciousness, reaching the level of so-called ‘ascendant masters,’ who may or may not overlap with Mark Stavish’s definition of ‘Secret Chiefs.’
True Self-Improvement
Gurdjieff stresses true self-improvement (or self-actualization) is ‘an act against god and nature.’ According to him, such a task requires ‘superhuman efforts as the aspirant faces the inertia and entropy of nature and (IMHO) the local egregore. According to Flowers, the Left-Hand Path is:
“(…) an act of rebellion against nature and against divinely ordained cosmic order. (…)”
“In going against this flow, individuals more fully articulate — individuate — themselves within their environments. Independence and freedom are maintained, and perhaps even personal immortality is to be gained…”
Another accidental yet prominent LHP lord is Crowley himself. Apparently, Thelema is all about antinomianism, self-deification, being your own man or woman, and creating a religion of one by becoming the priest or priestess of your HGA. On the contrary, Thelemites view all this as an extension of the Divine Will.
Lords of the Left-Hand Path
A lady (or lord) of the Left-Hand Path practices antinomianism to gain permanent independence and enlightenment. Such an individual advances on their path by disintegration (or separation). Said differently, they do not unify with divinity outside themselves, but some may become companions of it.
Consequential Harmony
Flowers explains that when the former is achieved, the objective harmonizes itself with the individual will. In ‘sci-fi’ and ‘fantasy’, this alludes to the ‘Old Republic’s’ Sith Lords commanding the objective to their will. In self-help — to Cal Newport’s phrase: ‘Be so good they can’t ignore you.’ Also, Napoleon Hill‘s distinction of the ‘go-getters’ getting from the Cosmos what they want on their own terms, in contrast to drifters who rely on its mercy. Let me know what you think.
The Gift of Set
Speaking of separation… Michael Aquino’s MindStar defines the Left-Hand Path as the principle of isolated self-consciousness/isolated Intelligence — the Gift of Set — and its exploration, exercise, and maximization. Aquino states that:
“Every individual exercise of will, of choice, of discretion, and above all-of creation is a manifestation of the Gift. Any thought, expression, or action which is not the product of Objective Universe-stimulated instinct flexes the Gift…”
Aquino states that creating one (or multiple) subjective universes is sought by the LHP initiate when developing their MindStar and building what Neitzche would call ‘their own horizons.’ One reason is to use those to interact with the objective. In practical terms, I like to think of that as different aspects of one’s brand or even various crafts and businesses. Aquino defines the MindStar as:
“(…) the self-contained, self-sustaining concentration of essence which exists as the core of the conscious mind…”
Aquino remarks that though they may not realize it, artists and creatives defy the Objective Universe. A rather fascinating example is Webb’s student, James Kirby, who created art as part of his initiation. Also noteworthy is Webb’s classic The Essential Guide to the Left-Hand Path recommends practicing arts and ‘finding the time’ to appreciate that of others (daily).
The Creative Act
It is interesting to meditate on all this after reading Ric Rubin’s The Creative Act. According to that, artists’ inspiration comes from a vast pool of energy, mostly outside themselves.
Vertical Opposition
The Left-Hand Path isn’t about playing the underdog or the outsider, although Set is the outsider, which is beyond the scope of this video. It is a vertical opposition between Intelligence and nonintelligence. Intelligence, Flowers points out, ‘opposes’ stasis and regularity: ‘God’ and ‘Nature’ and their static, inflexible laws.
Black Magick
On the ‘Left-Hand Path,’ black magick is not forcing people into things against their will or without their knowledge. According to Flowers, it is:
“A methodology for the exercise of independence from the universe and pursuit of self-oriented aims…”
Lesser Black Magick involves autohypnosis and conditioning the mind toward a specific aim, identifying the dominating currents, and taking appropriate action. Aquino defines Lesser Black Magick as an ‘exhaustively analytical process.’ Also as:
“the influencing of beings, processes, or objects in the objective universe by the application of obscure physical or behavioral laws…”
Excluding taboos and restrictions, LBM finds common ground with academic research. Yet, unlike those (which are pretty passive), it lets one orchestrate a desired change.
Aquino’s definition of Greater Black Magick finds commonalities with those of the Magick of Crowley and Fortune. He views it as:
“the causing of change to occur in the subjective universe in accordance with Will. This change will cause a similar and proportionate change in the objective universe…”
Apparently, this influenced Webb’s, which is the one I resonate with the most:
‘Magick is the art and science of causing changes to occur in the subjective universe, so proportionate ones can happen in the objective, depending on the passion, and precision of the magician…’
Reality Change
Commenting on the former, Flowers offers that the practice of ‘black magick’ is the Left-Hand Path in and of itself, which makes a lot of sense as you deliberately cause changes rather than agreeing with them. On the contrary, some may argue that reality’s changing itself through you; let me know what you think.
White Magick
Unlike Aquino, who seems to deem it, Flowers explains Left-Hand Path followers can successfully employ techniques of systems like Thelema. The key is using their practical aspects coupled with the proper declaration of intent. One example, IMHO, is A.A.’s GRH, which, unlike its predecessor G.D. SRH, bypasses traditional orderings, letting one’s magick transcend the local egregor based on the intent. Another is SIRP and GIRP in their elemental forms. Let me know what you think, and (perhaps) read the reviews of my Etsy store if you want to learn such rites.
Stages of Development
The Essential Guide to the Left-Hand Path identifies four development stages. These include:
- Rulership of the Inner World
- Rulership of the Outer World
- Royal Power in the Outer World
- Royal Power in the Inner World
After completing those, one has control over their environment. They know how to initiate or enter situations with productive outcomes. They can foster and develop their strengths and talents and (even) teach others the same.
Health and Appearance
Unlike others accepting their addictions or poor health as part of the ecstasy of Nuit or the ordeals on the path, LHP followers believe addictions must die living a healthy life. Besides the Essential Guide, this is evident in Webb’s How to Become a Modern Magus and an old interview with Patricia Hardy. The first stresses that your physical appearance has a magickal impact while the ability to cause changes depends on your energy levels. The second — is that such adepts don’t need drugs to achieve aims, and neither for recreational purposes.
The Left-Hand Path is more or less context-based. In the pursuit of perfecting one’s soul, one isolates oneself from whatever the dominant egregore and societal upbringing is. I don’t really think it is that much about opposing those as much as it is about not letting them interfere.
Setian Pentagram
LHP followers don’t perceive themselves as part of the Natural world. This is best depicted by the Setian pentagram, which doesn’t touch its circle. It conveys that magick and transformation happen without touching the objective. It occurs to me it can also mean one has developed so much the circle cannot touch their inner being. Once transformed, they touch/interact with the circle on their own terms.
A Different Direction
Whatever the mainstream is, one goes in a different direction. In a society of edge lords, that is the opposite. In one of the Thelemites — it may be to be Christian. Whatever the case, it’s about being one’s own person and taking full ownership. Also, not necessarily embracing the dark aesthetic but the difficulties, struggles, and, of course, ‘superhuman effort’ to preserve yourself from the egregor and actually make progress.
Luckily, we live in the information age, allowing anyone to monitor their information diet based on the path they follow. But that’s just my opinion. Let me know if you agree, and Thank you for your Time.