The Flaming Sword aka the Lighting Flash

7 min readSep 10, 2023


Primarily associated with Qabalah, the Flaming or Fiery Sword symbolizes the power of divine knowledge, enlightenment, and spiritual transformation. Also called the Lighting Flash or The Flash of Light of Creation, the symbol conveys profound spiritual and philosophical truths. According to page 24 of Dion Fortune’s Mystical Qabalah, The Lighting Flash depicts the successive Divine Emanations forming the creative evolution.’ It complements the paths displaying the stages of cosmic realization unfolding in human consciousness. The Flaming Sword also represents the ‘Way of Return,’ the Western Magician follows to unite with divinity. I.e., the transformative journey to pursue insights into the nature of reality and one’s own existence.


The Flaming Sword conveys the process from unmanifest to manifest. Starting with Kether crystalizing from the veils of Negative Existence, this concludes in Malkuth, the physical universe. It is a process of ‘overflowing’ as each Sephira overflows into the next, etc. This crystalization and, therefore, The Flaming Sword moves from Kether to Chokmah, then forms Binah at an equal distance from Kether. When recognizing this phenomenon, ancient Qabalists regarded Kether as the ‘First Swirlings.’ Moreover, they also viewed it as Alchemists’s Primumum Mobile, such as the ‘commencement of whirlings.’ And the reason is that the sephiroth are ‘whirlings.’


It is noteworthy that, this process establishes three triads or triangles reflecting each other. Besides ‘Supernal,’ the first triad is regarded as ‘Celestial’ or ‘Logoic.’ The second is the ‘Moral’ formed by 4, 5, and 6 (Chessed, Geburah, and Tiphereth. And the third is ‘Astral’ or ‘Magickal,’ comprised of Sephiroth 7, 8, and 9 (Netzach, Hod, and Yesod).

While more on that can be found in my video on The Triangles, it is noteworthy that Qabalistic wisdom views divinity as ‘ultimate unity beyond duality.’ Although this first triangle has three spheres, 2 and 3, Chokmah and Binah are attributes or reflections of 1. Symbolizing that ‘ultimate divinity,’ the Supernal Triad operates as one unit and is often likened to Tao and Yin and Yang. It is also where the Serpent of Wisdom Nechushtan developed out of the primordial egg. But more on that by the end of the post.

The Fall

The first trinity is separated from all other sephiroth by the Abyss, not possible to cross by ordinary human consciousness. Fortune says: “Here are the roots of existence hidden for our eyes.” Traditionally, the Flaming Sword associates with Eve and Adam and the Garden of Eden. Scholars agree that the Flaming Sword is placed by Elohim at the Eden Garden’s entrance after the ‘Fall.’ As depicted in Regardie’s The Golden Dawn, that’s above YHVH, the Tetragrammaton. Besides intellect, the sword is associated with division and separation. Moreover, while YHVH isolates the Supernals from the disorder and chaos initiated by Leviathan, the sword also represents the boundary between the divine and mundane realms.


Considering that ordering, IMHO, the picture hints that one can only elevate through the flaming sword after becoming suitable by dealing with YHVH and reconciling the elements. Let me know if you agree!

Challenges and Obstacles

The Flaming Sword is often represented as a mighty transformative force guarding the higher stages of being. This includes obstacles and ordeals the seeker faces on their journey to spiritual enlightenment. In addition, the Lighting Flash emphasizes that obtaining gnosis is only possible through effort and willingness to deal with one’s demons and overcome one’s limitations. In that regard, the Flaming Sword is also viewed as representing the intense energy, power, and determination essential to growth and transformation.


In psychoanalysis, such a transformation implies accepting your shadow, assimilating as much of it as possible, and balancing your psyche’s parts. This brings the capital letter Self, which in Magick and Rosicrucianism is referred to as Higher Genuis, Higher Self, and Holy Guardian Angel.

Zig Zag

More apparent in the diagram is Flashing Light’s direction. Its Zig Zag motion indicates Sephiroth’s successive development from side to side. Fortune notes this is a superior representation of the creation process to placing them underneath each other in a straight line. One reason is that it depicts Divine Emanations differences in nature. It also expresses how they group, reflect, and react to each other.

Balance and Polarities

The spheres are successively positive, negative, and equilibrated following the Lighting Flash. Each of the triangles consists of two opposing forces reconciled in a third. Chokmah and Binah reflect and unite in Kether. Chesed and Geburah find balance in Tiphereth. And Netzach and Hod in Yesod. Each sephirah is negative (feminine) to its predecessor and positive (masculine) to its successor whom it influences. More on that in my video on the Sephiroth


Based on that, Fortune likens the Sephiroth to magnets with a negative and a positive pole. She also considers them ‘bi-sexual.’ Astrologically, each sphere on the feminine pillar is well-dignified when functioning in its negative aspects and ill-dignified when acting positively. And for the masculine spheres, that order is reversed. The ones of the Middle Pillar represent levels of consciousness and the planes on which they operate. Let me know if you’d want me to dive more into that.


Qabalistically, transmutation refers to transforming or elevating one’s consciousness from a more material to a higher and more spiritual state. Transmutation on the Tree of Life deals with two diagrams encompassing the sephiroth. The first is that of the Three Pillars, which I address in a separate post. The second is the Lighting Flash. The key to remember is that with the pillars, the force remains of the same type but on a higher or lower arc, whereas with the Lighting Flash, the energy changes.

The Serpent

In some diagrams, the Lighting Flash is replaced or coexists with a peculiar snake biting its tale. While the former goes downward from the Ain Soph Aur and Kether to Malkuth, the second goes upwards on the paths until it has its head in Kether. Fortune explains the Lighting Flash is (really) the unconscious descent of force and manifestation, keeping equilibrium by moving from active to passive. The Serpent, on the other hand, is the dawn of objective consciousness, symbolizing initiation.

Climbing the Tree

Climbing from the paths of Tav to Aleph, the Serpent is considered complementary to the Flaming Sword. According to some sources, the serpent symbolizes the ordeals and difficulties on the path. The reason is that these go in a direction opposite to that of the Lighting Flash. The Serpent’s coils cross all paths in succession, unveiling the order in which they should be numbered.

Initiates and the Golden Age

The Lighting Flash is the actual symbol of wisdom and initiation. It also symbolizes the initiates being ahead of their time and taking the race where it has never been. As an example, Dion Fortune explains it is now customary for the average person to do what only initiates could previously.


IMHO, one example is Magick and information being accessible to all and having a new Occult Renaissance thanks to the internet. Let me know if you agree. Also, consider how Fortune and people like Robert Anton Wilson use words like ‘Freemasons’ and ‘Illuminati.’ Feel free to share your thoughts on that, too.


The Lighting Flash is associated with the number 777. Besides the visual resemblance, that’s because of the paths on the tree it occupies. Aleph, Daleth, Tet, Gimel, Lameth, Nun, Peh, Resh, and Tav. While adding the numbers of the cards attached to each gives 93 Thelema, summing up the letter’s numerical value gives 777.

The Fool’s Journey

The Lighting Flash also depicts the Fool’s journey. As some scholars call it, Zero’s division into the complexity of things. In the Book of the Law, chapter 3, verse 74, Crowley suggests getting 777 by adding 418 to 359. The reason is that in Gematria, Spirit is 359, whereas the Temple, which is the physical body, time, and space, is 418. In Gematria, 418 is also ‘ABRAHADABRA,’ the word of the Aeon of Horus. On the other hand, the serpent is associated with 666, the number of the beast, the human being who is a fallen God striving to ascend to their true nature.

Horus’s Secret Name

In addition, Horus’s secret name is spelled in Hebrew, Shin, Teth, and Nun (Final). Shin (ש) is 300, Teth (ט) is 9, and Nun (ן) is 50. Enumerating to 359, this reads Satan. However, it is also worth mentioning that Nun Final is, in fact, 700. One of the three mother letters, Shin, corresponds to the Fire element associated with Horus and his Aeon. Also, with Spirit and the reconciliation of YVHV, turning it into the Pentagramaton, YEHESHUA. The Thoth Deck Aeon Card correlates to Shin, 300, which, when added to 418, gives 718 or 359 multiplied by 2.

Spirit Descending into Matter

Given all covered regarding 418 and 359, the Lighting Flash means the divine consciousness incarnating in a physical human being. This reminds me of the inverted pentagram as a symbol of the Spirit descending into matter. But that’s just my opinion. Let me know what yours is, such as your thoughts on this article and video.




Written by POTB

I write about Philosophy, Psychology, Personal Development, Human Experience and Tech. I love books and am author of two. I also make music.

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