If you ever delved into Occult subreddits, you’ve likely encountered the notion of books with ‘intentional blinds.’ Explications include keeping secrecy, forcing seekers to figure things out (independently), and altering techniques based on circumstances. While such ‘blinds’ may consist of tablets and weapon creation, one thing tends to reappear — elemental directions.
Elemental Directions
According to David Shoemaker and James Eschelman, the Zodiac model used in LRH (and SRH) is strictly for a second/inner-order Golden Dawn vault. In other cases, practitioners must stick to the winds model traditionally given for the four-element LRP and SRP. According to Scott Stenwick and others, such adoptions are only used in the College of Thelema with which the mentioned were involved.
Traditional Ordering
The author, Jeff Rhoades, claims using traditional orderings (almost) ruined his life. In contrast, holistic modifications via alchemy, trial and error, and science proved game-changing. Rhoades states that most books have blinds to preserve secrecy since the 1800s when the Golden Dawn was founded.
In his Hermetic Qabala, Rhoades swaps out the places of air and fire in the winds model, adopting it for both formulas. He claims this works better with the Operant Model and aligns with alchemy, philosophy, and Franz Bardon’s Initiation into Hermetics. Rhoades goes further, stating his approach is more potent aligning micro and macrocosm better. And unless it’s utilized, the four-element variations (can) cause ‘nasty side effects’ to particular individuals, apparently including him.
Solar Energy
In his article ‘Notes on LRH,’ Mark Stavish explains all matter is condensed solar energy with four stages: Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. While he doesn’t mention changing directions, he explains that this allows LRH to access solar power in its manifestations, as the hexagram equilibrates (both) plаnets and elements; also, that the Middle Pillar follows a similar dynamic going from the least to the most dense. Stavish mentions the Zodiac model, yet throughout the whole article, he groups the elements based on their density, similar to Rhoades.
Whether this will inspire experimentation depends on the person. Years ago, a viewer told me he uses the Zodiac model for LRP with great success. IMHO, none of it proves that the traditional orderings are ‘blinds,’ but that different ones are possible. Examples include Enochian LRH and Stenwick’s Watchtower rituals following the Tablet’s ordering.
In the case of LRP, the mentioned swaps two planets’ practical and mystical archangels, as Michael is the one of the Sun and Hod, whereas Raphael is that of Mercury and Tiphereth. In cases like OBW, you don’t have archangels but circumambulate following YHVH, which allows flexibility. In LRH, you can use Saturn hexagrams.
I don’t think the traditional combinations cause any side effects. What they can trigger is somewhat active retrospection, bringing back the past, including people and situations, as if getting reabsorbed by it.
I believe the reason is that one didn’t fill the present with a meaningful and powerful enough future-oriented life to replace what is gone. Instead, they let Nature fill up the vacuum with entropy and least resistance.
In that sense, traditional orderings could find common ground with psychoanalysis, which, unlike logotherapy, Setianism, and a large portion of the LHP, is mainly about the past. Apparently, many GD books refer to psychoanalysis, noting direct commonalities and similarities. Up until now, I am yet to see a GD book referring to future-oriented approaches. Let me know why you think this is.
Also, consider that the Golden Dawn (at least) traditionally aims to reintegrate one into their local environment, which was mandatory for times without the internet. When the internet is here, everything changes as one is no longer bound to any local aggregate of experiences.
Reflecting on discussions with a former co-mason, I believe traditional orderings can really help when you join an order (or a group) and (really) want to integrate yourself into it and it into yourself. They can substantially foster such a process, as the former may imply seeing other members up to five times daily. It can also help if you want to do the same with your local gregore or the company you work in.
Getting Results
For those not wanting any of that, these could be side effects; for others, they can be the sought-out results, as many (actually) benefit from psychoanalysis.
Starting Now
If I were starting now, I wouldn’t focus too much on what some regard as blinds but on whether I am getting desired results, learning techniques and correspondences, and formulating impactful charges of intent. If certain modifications give me better results, I will share them like a scientist/biohacker and a star in Nuit’s body. That is with my name and brand on platforms like YouTube, not anonymously criticizing others’ work on (random) forums. But that’s just my opinion. Let me know yours. And Thank You for your time.