16 min readAug 27, 2022



The Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram

“Enochian magic tunes right into the spiritual thrust of Western culture, elevating man like a tower above nature in that position of great power…” (…)

“In my experience, Kabbalah and Enochian work hand in hand. It is best to use them both side by side. Kabbalah tends to work from within the human heart and mind, elevating you into the light of your potential. Enochian works externally, behind the forces of the material world.” Lyam Thomas Christopher. Kabbalah Transformation and the Great Work (p.275)

Overlooked and disregarded as a mere ‘more powerful version of the ‘Lesser,’ the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram (SIRP) is a unique technique packing plenty of punch. Found in lectures of offshoot orders like Stela Matutina, SIRP follows the structure of the Greater Pentagram ritual. And some call it a “more souped-up” of GIRP. Initially, SIRP was taught only to students of the second (or inner order) of the Golden Dawn. If performed correctly, its effects can be felt in the Yetziratic or formative world, which is right above or behind our reality and can be seen as its scaffold. Or better yet, as frontend code of the pages that are our world and lives.

Structure and Components

Working with the 4 elements, SIRP uses different combinations in the 4 directions; working with a single force, the rite multiplies the appropriate in all four. It incorporates colors, and god forms, such as zodiac and alchemical signs. Most important, it alternates Enochian and Hebrew, producing a superior impact on the psyche.


Getting the most credit, the 4 elements version is presented most often. Bringing a bit of each element in a balanced way that invokes Spirit. However, SIRP’s primary purpose differs. As mentioned in my ‘Modern Magick’ book review… The Lesser rituals set the space, establishing one of the fields of operation. The Greater and Supreme rituals attune the field to a specific force. So you can conjure a spirit or use that energy in your day. In the case of SIRP, that could be one of the Elemental Kings: Ghob, Djinn, Nichsah, and Paralda.

It is not that the Greater or Supreme is simply more powerful than the lesser. The main difference is that it is specific or particular, while the Lesser is general.

SIRP can become SBRP or Supreme Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, which I only mention in this post. Either way, SIRP follows the lesser pentagram and hexagram rituals and can be used with Opening by Watchtower, an elaboration of it by Israel Regardie.

SIRP and Opening by Watchtower

Like Opening by Watchtower, SIRP can also serve to cast a circle and invoke the guardians of the quarters, preparing your space for practical work. Opening by Watchtower is considered more potent and dramatic. Yet it is also more pretentious since requiring elemental tablets and tools. Unlike SIRP, Opening by Watchtower cannot be used for invoking a specific force. Demanding nothing but your time and discipline, SIRP is exceedingly versatile, very powerful, and actually preferred by many Golden Dawn-ers and even Thelemites.


About 95% of the Golden Dawn books use the “winds model” in conjunction with Mathers’ rule of ‘invoking toward and banishing from’ the element’s point in the pentagram. IMHO, this creates confusion in several ways. The first is that although having different names, the invoking Air pentagram is identical to the Water banishing pentagram. The second is that there isn’t one but a couple of spirit pentagrams that do not follow this rule. And the third, which more modern practitioners find rather senseless, is the placing of Fire and Air.

Aurum Solis

Besides the Golden Dawn, there’s the Aurum Solis method. Much simpler, it starts at the point/angle where the element is assigned and moves clockwise to invoke or counterclockwise to banish. Pretty straightforward, the Aurum Solis method also uses a single Spirit pentagram. Scholars like Donald Tyson and others on the internet swear they never went back after switching to this approach. On the contrary, I do not have experience with it. So this post focuses on the more “standard” Golden Dawn technique, which according to most scholars, must be fundamental to any western magician.

“There are several occultists who remark that the Golden Dawn’s method of the pentagram makes for an inconsistent and “clumsy” system of invocation and banishment. It is surprising how quick students are to dismiss one of the fundamental techniques of a system that is the foundation of almost all Western magic today. It is my experience that much of the supposed awkwardness of the material that Mathers developed is attributable to a much deeper significance than is immediately apparent. It is best to take a generous nature with the Golden Dawn system when it begins to look odd. You will likely find the value of its approach later. Time and again, I have found that the· techniques that seemed needlessly circuitous had invisible mechanisms that one could only discover through practice. Do not be too quick to force a spiritual technique to make sense; otherwise, you may, out of ignorance, modify it into powerlessness…”(Page 273). Lyam Thomas Christopher. Kabbalah, Magic, and The Great Work.

The Winds Model

After explaining it briefly, the Golden Dawn conversely recognizes that the winds model creates disbalance by placing two clashing elements next to each other despite their opposing qualities. I.e., Fire and Water in the south and west. The book also acknowledges the southeast and northwest quadrangles as more balanced and harmonious.

“The southwest wind is violent and explosive — the mingling of the contrary elements of Fire and Water. The northwest and southeast winds are more harmonious, uniting the influence of the two active and passive elements…” p.362.

This imperfection can be reconciled by using common sense, the table of Aristotle, the Rose Cross Lamen, and the tablet of union swapping the places of Fire and Air. Eradicating the disharmony, this aligns all 4 elements according to their primary qualities.

The Right Way

Whether you should make such arrangements, your practice will show. I see the mentioned gets adopted by an increasing number of people. One is Jeff Rhoades; another is Damon Brand. And the person who actually made me think about it for the first time was the YouTuber Indigo Speaker. You do what’s right in your heart based on your empirical results. And when doing so… Also, consider this passage from ‘Golden Dawn Magic,’ which, unlike the best-selling ‘The Golden Dawn’ and ‘Modern Magick,’ provides a comprehensive explication of SIRP and all its forms and purposes.

“One of the things students sometimes get hung on is the search for “The One True Way.” This would appear to be a by-product of the same kind of unfortunate tribalism that causes strife between various religious sects, cultures, and political groups. Some will always be convinced that there is “The One True Way” to practice the Golden Dawn, and everyone who practices the magic differently must be wrong. The fact of the matter is that the Golden Dawn tradition has always been growing and evolving over time and continues to do so. Today Golden Dawn temples exist in nearly every continent on ‘earth.’ They have naturally adapted and developed their own unique ways. Rather than arguing with someone whose ritual minutiae is (by them!) to be “The One True Way,” magicians should be open to new insights, whether they agree with them or not. Knowledge is not static, and the depth and breadth of our system are nearly endless. Spiritual growth is unique, and our experiences with it are personal. Although we can agree on most of the standard precepts of our system, we cannot insist everyone agree with us on everything. And that’s perfectly alright!…” Golden Dawn Magic (p. 9–10)

Spirit Pentagrams

In SIRP, the Spirit pentagrams precede the elemental ones; in SBRP, that order is reversed. Due to being both ‘active’ and ‘passive,’ Spirit has two pentagrams, making a total of 4 in the system. According to the Golden Dawn book…

“These two spirit pentagrams should precede and close invocations as the equilibrium of the elements and in establishing the harmony of their influence…”

P. 360. The Golden Dawn.

According to ‘Golden Dawn Magic’ by the Ciceros, the spirit pentagrams control the elemental ones. The two active control Fire and Air, whereas the two passive, Water and Earth. As mentioned, Golden Dawn spirit pentagrams have their own way of being traced. The actives link Fire and Air; the passives, Water and Earth. And while this might seem illogical, there’s a method to the madness.

“Spirit is not an element. It cannot be experienced face-to-face like a gust of wind or a splash of Water, nor can it be approached directly. It doesn’t exist in any particular place. You cannot increase and decrease its quantity. You can’t even touch it, much less invoke and banish it! So what is one really doing when one draws the active “invoking” pentagram of Spirit and vibrates the appropriate name?” (…)

“Spirit may have some kind of “substance” on a higher plane of existence, but here in the realm of the senses, it can only be revealed as a pattern among the elements — a condition of equilibrium. This is why the Golden Dawn refers to the invoking pentagrams of Spirit alternately as “equilibrating.” Spirit does not exist in the realm of the elements, but it is evidenced by the relationship between those elements. When we call upon Spirit, we are actually manipulating active and passive energies and creating a beautiful balance (commonly experienced as vitality, clarity, joy, and calm). The pentagram of Spirit actives is started by drawing a line from the fire angle to the air angle, or in other words, a line between the two active elements. The pentagram of Spirit passives is begun by drawing a line from the earth angle to the water angle, the two passive elements. The combination of these two pentagrams is the most important and most beneficial symbolism in your work. They function like two Kerubim, between which the presence of “God” may be felt, such as in the legend of the Ark of the Covenant.”(Page 273).

Considering all this, we can extrapolate a few conclusions.

  1. The Spirit ‘invoking’ pentagrams unite all 4 elements according to their qualities, starting with passive or active, depending on their nature. Concluding with Spirit, the actives move from Fire, Air, Water, and Earth and the passives do that from Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. Either way, these ‘invocations’ link all four by keeping them in harmony. It (really) is an ‘equilibration’ resulting from the smooth transition between mutual qualities.
  2. The Spirit ‘banishing’ (or ‘closing’) pentagrams ‘pair,’ group, (or ‘close’) the elements into 2 couples. Separated or disconnected by Spirit, this is an active pair between Fire and Air and a passive one between Water and Earth. They still start with one or the other if the pentagram is ‘active’ or ‘passive.’ But now, the couples are ‘closed’ to each other while clashing is prevented since ‘Spirit’ mediates between them.

Aligning with the Tablet of Union and Aristotle’s periodic table, Golden Dawn’s Spirit pentagrams emphasize and result from reconciling the opposing ‘active’ and ‘passive’ principles. And though not necessarily matching the ‘winds model,’ IMHO, they display nothing but balance and symmetry in the most beautiful way.

Spirit Pentagrams. Colors

Usually, it is recommended that the spirit pentagrams are traced in brilliant white light. But scholars like Scott Stenwick suggest using bright and dark electric purple for ‘actives and passives,’ respectively.

Spirit Pentagrams. Names

Despite the spirit pentagrams being technically two, the names to vibrate when tracing them are 4. Corresponding to the 4 elements, the active pentagrams go with the ones of the ‘active’ elements, and the passive, with those of the ‘passive’ ones.

Derived from the Tablet of Union,’ these names are EXARP, HCOMA, NANTA, and BITOM. Translating into Spirit of Air, Spirit of Water, Spirit of Earth, and Spirit of Fire, you can think of them as ‘quintessence of Fire,’ ‘quintessence of Air,’ etc.

Spirit Pentagrams. Symbols

Unlike most variations of the Greater, the fully stacked SIRP employs corresponding sigils. For the spirit pentagrams, that is the alchemical sigil of ‘aether’ aka the ‘spirit spokes wheel.’ Resembling a minimalistic symbol of ophanim that is traced clockwise, going from left to right.

Like the pentagrams, the sigils also go with their corresponding names. In the case of Spirit, that’s ‘EHIEH’ for the ‘actives’ and ‘AGLAH’ for the ‘passives.’ The first translates into ‘I am.’ And the second is a notaricon of ‘Atah Gibor Leh Oh Lahm Adonai,’ or ‘You are mighty forever Adonai.’ Meaning, ‘my lord,’ ‘Adonai’ is the word hermetic magicians use to call their HGA.

Spirit Pentagrams. Signs

Although Modern Magick omits that, butchering the rite, the Spirit pentagrams and sigils are followed by the LVX signs. The reason is that, like Opening by Watchtower and the whole hexagram formula, SIRP was performed only by 5=6 adepts. And the LVX are the signs of Adeptus Minor. On the contrary, Spirit’s actual ‘grade’ sign is ‘opening’ (or rending) for invoking and ‘closing the veil’ for banishing.

While different sources use one or the ‘other,’ in Golden Dawn Magic, Sandra Tabatha and Chic Cicero advise incorporating both. That’s rending the veil and then giving the LVX signs, which are ‘Osiris Slain,’ ‘Apophis and Typhon,’ ‘Morning Isis,’ and ‘Osiris Risen.’

Elemental Pentagrams. Names and Colors

In the GD system, the fire pentagram is red. Its invoking form starts at the top, moving clockwise; the banishing at the angle of Fire, proceeding counterclockwise. The name to vibrate with it is OIP TEA PEDOCE. Meaning ‘He whose name is unchanged from what it was.’

The air pentagram is yellow. Its invoking form begins at the Water or right upper angle and continues anticlockwise; its banishing version commences at the opposite angle, proceeding clockwise. It’s associated with the phrase ‘OROH IBAH AOZDPI.’ Meaning ‘He who cries in a place of desolation.’

The water pentagram is navy or darker blue, which differs from the blue in LRP. Its invoking version commences at the Air or upper left angle, proceeding clockwise; its banishing form starts at the corresponding ray, moving counterclockwise. It associates with the name ‘Empeh ‘Arsehl’ Gaheol.’ This means ‘He who is the first true creator; the horned one.’

Depending on who you ask, the earth pentagram is either ‘green’ or ‘black.’ Its invoking form starts at the top continuing counterclockwise; the banishing moves from the Earth angle, going clockwise. The name to vibrate with this one is ‘Emor Dial Hectega.’ This means ‘He who burns up iniquity without equal.’


By researching enough, you might find that no one knows how to pronounce Enochian. And this applies to Aramaic, which is also considered an angelic language. Based on my research, there are three main ways to pronounce Enochian words. Extending the syllables, the first is invented by the Golden Dawn, and you can find it in most books.

However, according to some of Jon Dee’s material, the angels suggest pronouncing the words as if they are in plain English. Hence there’s no extension. That means reading each letter as you would in English. The third method I learned is from Donald Tyson, spelling each word letter by letter.For best results, I suggest being mindful of the phrases’ actual meaning and checking the last portion of this video by Lon Milo Duquette.

Elemental Tablets

Although it doesn’t require them, like Opening by Watchtower, SIRP can incorporate the elemental tablets. This is done by placing each in its direction and tracing a large circle around it before the pentagram.

Elemental Pentagrams. Sigils and Names

Instead of alchemical triangles, SIRP (mainly) utilizes zodiacal, cherubic signs for the elemental pentagrams. These are Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, and Taurus. Also called fixed, these signs rule the middle portion of the season and thus are regarded as the element’s purest, most potent, and stable form. They are also anchored to the four parts of the year, corresponding to the 4 beasts of Ezekiel from a biblical standpoint.


Depending on the source, you use an alchemical eagle or the actual Scorpio sign for Water. The reason is Scorpio’s transformative nature; it transforms from a crawling creature into one that soars in the sky. According to the Golden Dawn, that’s the alchemical Eagle of distillation.

Spheres and Zodiacal Signs

Geburah or Mars is associated with Fire, Tiphareth or Sun with Air, Chessed or Jupiter with Water, and Malkuth with Earth. SIRP uses god names related to these spheres for its elemental symbols. For Fire and Leo, that’s ‘Elohim’; For Air and Aquarius, it’s ‘YHVH’; For Water and Scorpio, that’s ‘Al’ or ‘El’; and for Earth and Taurus, it is ‘Adonai.’ I don’t think these names need any introduction.

Elemental Pentagrams. Sigils and Colors

To complement the pentagrams, SIRP uses Golden Dawn’s flashing colors best expressed in the Elemental tablets. That’s green Leo inside the fire pentagram, purple Aquarius inside the air pentagram, orange Scorpio inside the blue marine water pentagram, and yellow inside the black, earth pentagram.

God Forms and Grade Signs

Like the ‘Spirit’ pentagrams go with the ‘rending the veil’ and the ‘5=6’ signs, the ‘elemental go with those of the ‘elemental grades.’ For Fire, that’s the sign of Philosophus or ‘4=7,’ the god form of the goddess ‘Thoum-Aesh-Neith.’ For Air, it’s the one of Theoricus or ‘2=9,’ the god form of ‘Shu supporting the sky.’ For Water, it is the sign of Practicus or ‘3=8,’ the god form of the goddess ‘Aramoth.’ For Earth, it is 1=10 or ‘Set Fighting.’

To learn more about the god forms and grade signs, I suggest Thelemapedia’s post on them and books like the Magick of Aleister Crowley and the Golden Dawn.

Zodiac Signs

Unlike Thelema, which employs the holy hexagram, the Golden Dawn associates zodiacal energies with the pentagram due to their elemental triplicities. Zodiac signs can be perceived as an element plus modality, fixed, mutable, or cherubic. Hence, SIRP can work with both ‘elemental’ and ‘astral powers.’ For such invocations, SIRP uses the pentagrams, names, and god forms associated with the ruling element in all directions; what changes is the sign centered in the elemental pentagrams.

StarWalk 2

The Golden Dawn recommends using an astrological scheme of the heavens for the zodiac signs like you would when working with planets. Then you find the direction of the constellation and treat that as your east.

Available for iPad and iPhone, the best app for this is StarWalk 2. Considering your destination and the time of ‘working,’ the app shows the current directions of planets and constellations.

Performance. Preliminaries

  1. Go to the northeast direction of your temple and say, ‘Hekas, Hekas Este Bebeloi!’
  2. Set the field of operation using a combination of LRP and LRH according to your intention.
  3. Perform the Middle Pillar, or better yet, the revised 5=6 version from the book Middle Piller.
  4. Give 1+4 knocks on the battery.

Fire Quadrangle

  1. Trace an active spirit pentagram vibrating ‘BITOM.’
  2. Draw the Spirit spokes wheel as if embedding it in its center, vibrating ‘EHEIEH.”
  3. Make the sign of opening the veil;
  4. Give the LVX signs;
  5. Draw an invoking Fire pentagram vibrating ‘OIP TEA PEDOCE.’
  6. Trace the sigil of Leo in the proper color vibrating ‘Elohim.’
  7. Give the sign of ‘4=7.’
  8. Stab the center and carry the light to your next direction, tracing 1/4 of a circle of brilliant light.

Air Quadrangle

  1. Trace an active spirit pentagram vibrating ‘EXARP.’
  2. Draw the Spirit spokes wheel as if embedding it in its center, vibrating ‘EHEIEH.”
  3. Render the veil;
  4. Give the LVX signs;
  5. Draw an invoking Air pentagram vibrating ‘ORO IBAH AOZPI.’
  6. Trace the sigil of Aquarius in purple or violet, vibrating ‘YHVH.’
  7. Give the sign of ‘2=9.’
  8. Stab the center and carry the light to your next direction, tracing the second 1/4 of a circle of brilliant light.

Water Quadrangle

  1. Trace a passive spirit pentagram vibrating ‘HCOMA.’
  2. Draw the Spirit spokes wheel as if embedding it in its center, vibrating ‘AGLAH.”
  3. Open the veil;
  4. Give the LVX signs;
  5. Draw an invoking Water pentagram vibrating ‘EMPEH ARSEL GAHEOL.’
  6. Trace either of the signs of Scorpio in the proper color vibrating ‘EL.’
  7. Assume the god form of ‘3=8.’
  8. Stab the center and carry the light to your next direction, tracing the third fourth of the circle of brilliant light.

Earth Quadrangle

  1. Trace a passive spirit pentagram vibrating ‘NANTA.’
  2. Draw the Spirit spokes wheel as if embedding it in its center, vibrating ‘AGLAH.”
  3. Open the veil;
  4. Give the LVX signs;
  5. Draw an invoking Earth pentagram vibrating ‘MOR DIAL HECTEGA.’
  6. Trace either of the signs of Scorpio in the proper color, vibrating ‘EL’ or ‘AL.’
  7. Assume the god form of ‘1=10.’
  8. Stab the center and carry the light in your next direction completing the circle.

Call the Guardians as you would in LRP, perform another Qabalistic Cross, and proceed with your other rites and practical work.

Additional Thoughts and Impressions

The 4 Guardians

According to some sources, you finish by calling the 4 guardians in all cases. According to others, you do that only with the 4 elements version. In different scenarios, you call only that corresponding to the force you’re invoking. According to third sources, you don’t call to the guardians but only the Spirit you want to conjure.

Closing and Rending the Veil

Unlike ‘The Golden Dawn,’ ‘Golden Dawn Magic,’ and others, some sources associate ‘rending the veil’ with active while closing it with passive spirit pentagrams. This never made any sense to me. The reason is that when invoking, you’re opening yourself to the elemental universes and thus ‘tunning in;’ when banishing, you are ‘closing that portal’ or ‘tunning out.’ Plus, closing the veil for the passive elements in SIRP always felt like a mess, separating their spirit pentagrams from the whole.

In Defense of SIRP and… Golden Dawn Magick

Considering the internet occult community, I see that criticizing the Golden Dawn has some of a trend nowadays. Some LHP streamers even claim that the system doesn’t do much compared to practices they use that “really deal with the subconscious and the shadow self.” Not arguing with them, I urge such individuals to do SIRP daily without closing it, using an invoking or operant field and maybe the 5=6 Middle Pillar. Starting with the 4 Elements version and doing extended periods of the elemental ones. And if really skeptical, do perform it twice daily.


According to ‘Golden Dawn Magic,’ not combining Hebrew with Enochian but using either or is how the GIRP differs from SIRP. According to books on Thelema, GIRP is Crowley’s “less souped-up” variation, excluding the Enochian, the sigils within the pentagram, and the 4 archangels. Based on that, some people regard SIRP and GIRP as “pretty much the same thing.” With all due respect, this directly contradicts my experience. Although partially similar, SIRP is pretty unmatched in terms of what it offers as a readily doable single technique. I also believe its effects could be felt physically regarding vigor, thought process, creativity, and sex drive.

Mystical Experience

A recent trend in New Age and self-help is using psychedelics (or other pharmaceuticals) and having specific experiences. So you can get profound realizations about yourself and your life, figuring out what you should be actually doing. On the contrary, considering my teenage experiences with similar substances and SIRP’s capabilities, I don’t think using drugs is mandatory for understanding such profound truths. Instead, allow yourself to reflect while using SIRP’s cumulative effects.

Utterly unrelated to the Golden Dawn, Magistra Hardy of the temple of Set claims that whatever humans can experience on drugs, humans have the capacity to do so without them. I believe a fully souped-up or stack SIRP can give you some of that, especially in the context of understanding yourself better. Say yes to magick and no to drugs!

Final Words

Although commonly neglected, IMHO, SIRP is an exceptional technique essential to the ‘serious practitioner.’ Regardie believed that the daily performance of Opening by Watchtower could elevate you to 5=6 without the initiation ceremony. Well, as mentioned, SIRP is the basis for the Watchtower ritual.

While Middle Pillar got me started with magick, helping me combat crippling anxiety, SIRP was the technique to make the most immediate and readily noticeable change in my practice. Lyam Thomas Cristopher calls GD Enochian the “crowning jewel” of the system; I believe SIRP is the epitome of that. If I had one tip for my younger self regarding magick, it would be to do SIRP daily while not thinking of magick outside practicing but merely focusing on my life.

Thank you for your time!




Written by POTB

I write about Philosophy, Psychology, Personal Development, Human Experience and Tech. I love books and am author of two. I also make music.

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