This is an examination of the fields of operation (or the field model) in practical magick. It is the first of two-series video, conveying a synthesis of my research. It goes through theory, such as different techniques and modifications. The second part covers reflections and suggestions based on personal experience.
Besides my desire, this series is inspired by a comment from a loyal subscriber, Keith Crook. I hope both parts will bring value to him and others watching the video. The purpose of this content is not to tell anyone what to do. But to further educate others, helping them find what works best for them.
Different Systems, Different Tools
If you’ve ever dabbled in Western Occultism, then your practices likely begin with a combination of pentagram and hexagram rituals. The Golden Dawn uses its widely known ‘lesser’ rituals. Thelema has Crowley’s ‘Star Ruby’ and ‘Star Sapphire.’ And the Aurum Solis employs techniques for raising the wards of power, which like the mentioned, and according to Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips, banish and purify the elements while invoking governing forces. As my viewers know, such rituals are not practical magick; they provide a platform for actual practical work. Said differently, they set the space, i.e., prepare the temple, creating the field of operation.
Pentagram and Hexagram
The pentagram represents the microcosm, the operator’s psyche; the hexagram represents the macrocosm, the external world. The key is to sequence such rituals, establishing a link called ‘field.’ Theoretically, that merges the subjective and objective realities, thus allowing your will to more readily manifest on the physical.
Banishing Field
Standardized by books like DMK’s Modern Magick and Regardie’s Ceremonial Magick, the combination most practitioners use (nowadays) is following a banishing ‘lesser’ pentagram with the same kind of hexagram ritual. Also known as a ‘banishing field,’ this shuts down all magick working in micro and macrocosm.
Depending on who you ask, this excludes talismans and other objects. Also, when something is sealed/anchored to their consciousness. Supposedly, you can think of the ‘banishing field’ as an ‘EMP’ for magickal workings. Also, as a highly powerful sterilizer, removing all external and internal thought and spiritual forms.
Centering Field
Following an invoking lesser pentagram with a banishing lesser hexagram ritual, this combo keeps the magick purely microcosmic, not engaging the objective reality. It is ideal for internal/psychological work. For it affects your psyche while keeping outer influences at bay.
Invoking Field
The opposite of banishing, the so-called ‘empowering’ or invoking field, follows a ‘lesser invoking’ pentagram with a ‘lesser invoking’ hexagram ritual. Further inflaming or vitalizing all ongoing operations while amplifying the following rites, this combination can also be used independently. It serves as a preliminary invocation when intending to maximally impact both the subjective and objective realities. Said differently, you use it when you seek the most significant effects on (both) your psyche and the world around you. Think of it as empowering your inner being while invoking divine forces.
Examples of Invoking Field Working
An example of such results might be a shift in consciousness/mindset combined with a macrosomic probability shift. Depending on the case, the latter could be encountering the right people, accidentally acquiring resources like tools, information, and others, recognizing eye-opening synchronicities, or merely having great timing with something.
Operant Field
Following a banishing lesser pentagram with an invoking lesser hexagram ritual, the operant field invokes the divine forces after clearing your inner being. Its primary aim is higher probability shifts in macrocosmic operations. On the other hand, preceding the Middle Pillar or the Elevenfold Seal, the operant field can also be used for daily spiritual hygiene. Аs it’s perfectly balanced, including one banishing and one invocation.
For such reasons, the Operant Field is often preferred by people doing one daily practice. Like the invoking, the efficiency of the Operant Field comes from ‘merging’ or ‘uniting’ the operator’s micro and macrocosm, allowing thought to become a reality more readily. And you can also see this as removing internal obstacles and limitations while invoking divine forces.
Operant Field (Origins)
Based on my research, the opening sequence of lesser banishing pentagram and lesser invoking hexagram rituals was first recognized in Crowley’s Liber O vel Manus et Sagittae. More recently, the Operant Field (and model) were mainly popularized by Scott Stenwick. With 3000+ articles on his blog and several books on original Enochian Magick, including ‘Mastering the Great Table, and the Mystical Heptarchy, in the early 2000s, Stenwick wanted to publish a book on the ‘Operant Model.’ That included practical applications for each field. Sadly that manuscript was disregarded by publishers as ‘too advanced.’
The Field Ritual
Striving to optimize his workings, Stenwick tested different arrangements, searching for ways to get identical results in less time. He wanted a single technique to replace the standard lesser pentagram and hexagram sequences. Inversing the traditional order by placing the pentagrams in the outer while the hexagrams in the inner part of the circle, Stenwick merged the two rites. Called the Field Ritual, this new technique ‘not only’ saves time by simplifying things; it can also be used to re-create any of the fields. To learn more about that, check Scott Stenwick’s post on the subject.
Hermes Field Ritual
Inspired by Stenwick’s research, Jeff Rhoades, an author and a founder of the Hermetic Order of the Round Table, came up with a concept called Hermes Field. Essentially, that’s sequencing ‘banishing’ and ‘invoking’ fields and then wrapping up with a license to depart and another banishing field. Outlined in Rhoades’ Hermeric Qabala: A course in Personal Transformation and Self Empowerment, the ‘Hermes Field’ serves to ‘prepare your area for specialized practical work.’ That includes charging objects, summoning spirits, obtaining information through mystical experience, or merely attuning your daily life to a specific force.
Despite that’s not confirmed in Hermeric Qabala, I believe the name Hermes Field comes from the Sun’s operation represented by micro and macrocosm’s interlinking as in the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus.
Regardie and Banishing
More recently, banishing was emphasized by Israel Regardie. Grounded in Jungian and Reichian psychology, Regardie believed everyone has some underlying psychological conditions. Hence focusing on banishing would prevent those from interfering with one’s workings and life. Inspired by Regardie, Donald Michael Kraig outlined the same approach in his best-selling Modern Magick.
Modern Magick
Using that as the basis of their studies, most contemporary practitioners adopted an identical method, usually omitting one detail. Besides advocating frequent banishings, Regardie also believed all your practical work should begin with his Opening by Watchtower; Kraig also did so.
Opening By Watchtower
Based on the GD’s ‘Portal Ritual,’ Opening by Watchtower (OBW) is an elaboration of the Supreme Invoking Pentagram Ritual (SIRP), a thorough examination of which you can watch here.
On the contrary, Regardie’s book, the Golden Dawn, heavily emphasizes using a banishing field whenever working with any Supernals, especially Kether and Chokmah. Not mentioning OBW, the section explains this is because those spheres demand the highest level of purity. According to some people performing OBW (or SIRP) before a planetary (or sephirotic) invocation doesn’t let you truly experience the subtlety of that force, making it too much with all the elemental energy floating around. On the other hand, others swear it amps up all their workings.
Traditionally, the Golden Dawn used SIRP as the basis for all their practical work. Later Regardie came with OBW. And that was adopted by Stella Matutina groups.
Nevertheless, many people prefer SIRP for various reasons. That includes feeling OBW is somewhat cumbersome, demanding, and excessively long. Also, finding it doesn’t enhance an operation more than a classic SIRP. Based on my observations, people who don’t use the GD’s Enochian attributions tend to find that OBW doesn’t further empower practical magick in an ‘invoking’ or ‘operant field.’
The latter perspective is shared by Scott Stenwick. After experimenting with it extensively, Stenwick (and his group found) that OBW doesn’t add anything more to the standard ‘invoking’ and ‘operant’ fields.
What Should You do
I believe this leads us to one question: Should you use ‘operant’ or ‘invoking.’ fields, or should you do SIRP or OBW as your preliminary invocation.
Your Practice Your Results
Obviously, the answer to this can be found in your empirical results. Besides that, I think not excluding but incorporating both might be the most optimal. That being stacking an operant or invoking field with SIRP or OBW.
Alaerian’s Watchtower Opening
A similar approach is suggested by J. Alan Moore, aka ‘Alaerian,’ 20+ years Golden Dawn adept. Starting with something like a ‘Hermes Field,’ Moore utilizes a unique synthesis of SIRP and OBW. Some of that includes incorporating the tablets, their names of the tablet of union, spiral names of the kings, and the first Enochian call. More interesting (and supposedly appealing to some practitioners), Moore’s method doesn’t emphasize using the ‘elemental’ weapons; Instead, it combines the tablets with several copies of the Sigil Dei Ameth.
More Power
Moore explains that traditionally performed, neither SIRP nor OBW could quite exactly meet his needs. For this, he customized his technique to create a ‘powerful, multi-dimensional, energetic space’ you can use for everything practical and mystical. More on that you can find in Moore’s article, published in the Journal of the Western Mystery Tradition.
Forms and Shapes
This reminds us that stacking these rites creates multi-dimensional space through rotating geometric energy structures. As Moore explains, casting a pentagram creates a rotation pattern of a fourth-dimensional shape called a pentatope. In two dimensions, that’s not just the pentagram but also the surrounding-it pentagon. The LIRP forms the first four pentagons of a dodecahedron.
Combining it with CBL Caduceus Breath, which adds rotation, Moore performs the Middle Pillar before LIRH. Then LIRH is more optional, added only if the operator wants to establish a connection with the external reality and the higher realms. Lastly, SIRP or OBW brings another 8 pentagon shapes, totaling twelve.
This mimics the model through which carbon atoms form a dodecahedron. Encoded in Metatron’s cube, the dodecahedron is the shape god used to shape the universe.
According to Plato, four solids correspond to the four elements (fire, air, water, and earth), and a fifth corresponds to quintessence, or Spirit (or Aether), which he defined as the element of the heavens. That solid is the dodecahedron.
Modern Science
While that happened about 2300 years ago, more recently, Jean-Pierre Luminet of the Paris Observatory backed Plato’s theory with rock-solid science, proving that the universe’s shape is of a dodecahedron. And if that doesn’t… I really don’t know what would inspire you to test all covered techniques, (really) perceiving magick as a divine working/theurgy. Perhaps send me a letter or comment under this post or the video to let me know…