During his honeymoon in Cairo, Egypt, Aleister Crowley received The Book of the Law. According to him, that was through the dictation of his HGA Aiwass, an outerworldly non-corporeal being. According to Israel Regardie and Robert Anton Wilson, Aiwass was the collective unconscious deeper strata. I.e., Anima Mundi, or the Soul of the World. Whatever the case, Aiwass forewarned Crowley about a New Aeon (the Aeon of Horus) taking place, turning him into its prophet. Said differently, Crowley foresaw humanity entering a more advanced stage collectively and individually.
The Aeon of Horus
Starting in 1904, the Aeon of Horus is commonly associated with several changes. This includes destroying European kings’ patriarchal rule and the illusion of the church’s ubiquitous power, such as women having equal rights in most places; also, not the family but the individual becoming society’s most basic monad.
Above all, the child symbolizes ever-lasting growth and personal development; also, pure curiosity and an innate drive for sovereignty, self-sufficiency, and expression. Living and practicing, in today’s day and age, I believe Crowley’s prophecy of the Aeon of Horus extends beyond the mentioned. Especially considering Thelema is a blueprint for finding your own meanings… in life, science, and technology.
Given that, the following outlines a hypothesis I slightly touched on in my previous video. It is a subjective and likely biased perspective (only) partially based on Thelemic books. So, take it as an observation and perhaps meditate on it.
Freedom and Independence
The Aeon of Horus is associated with individual freedom. Regardless of how spiritual a person considers themselves, survival dictates everything. Complete autonomy and sovereignty are only possible through freedom with time and finances. According to Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Needs,’ those unlock the otherwise unavailable self-actualizing, Thelema’s primary goal. According to the living in the Aeon of Horus, newagers, self-helpers, and perhaps even Dion Fortune they go hand-in-hand. Let me know how it goes for you.
Old Structures Collapsing
Previously, financial freedom was only possible through climbing the corporate or academic ladder while sacrificing most of your life doing something unrelated to the True Will. Former generations recommend getting a ‘good education,’ and a ‘real job.’ On the contrary, statistics show many ‘so-called’ ‘real jobs’ won’t exist soon. Especially those created in the Industrial Age, ending shortly before the Aeon of Horus kicked in.
Occurring soon after The Book of the Law’s dictation, the Information Age changed everything. In 2023, virtually everyone wants to be a creator. According to Goldman Sachs, the creator economy will double its size in the following years, nearing 480 billion dollars. Whether fully aware of it, IMHO, Crowley foresaw that quite aptly.
While there are exceptions, in most cases, so-called ‘real jobs’ and ‘schools’ are places where people are told what to do and study despite interests and predispositions, i.e., their True Will. Now, in the Aeon of Horus, things are different, and that model increasingly becomes an old structure collapsing. This matches the Judgment/Aeon card’s notion that unlike the previous, the new Aeon is not of sacrifice. This is also depicted in the Thot Tarot Hanged Man, where the hanged man is more of a cenotaph and a reminder. More on that in my video on the card.
Nuit and Hadit
Hidden deep within, Hadit is humans’ innate drive to live, explore, and express. Also, to create and share events bonding with the external, based on opportunities, possibilities, and constraints, Nuit. Although not entirely, in the Aeon of Horus, the second primarily is the internet where boundaries like location mostly don’t matter.
On the internet, everyone is free to explore and research whatever they are driven to, exercising Love under Will. It’s also possible to monetize one’s work, ideas, and mind. Hence, it’s no longer mandatory to sacrifice one’s time for money.
Aggregates of Stars
The Book of the Law describes each human as an aggregate of stars (or events). As explained in my Thelema videos, these are one’s life experiences. Each person changes with each fresh event. This is complemented by the notion that each creator has a unique perspective based on their experiences. It is the essence of those which Crowley calls the star. That’s precisely what good creators aim to channel/convey with their work. They package their experiences and unite with the All.
“Each being is, exactly as you are, the sole center of a Universe in no wise identical with or even assimilable to your own…”
Diversity in Order
This channel discusses the occult and other philosophies. On the contrary, it does through the prism of being interested in fitness, health, psychology, self-improvement, biohacking, tech, art, music, culture, etc. If it makes sense, I incorporate or refer to some of those, like in this post. I create my products and content with skills honed based on pure curiosity and inner drive — Hadit. Thanks to the Internet — Nuit.
I have my taste and perspective on what it means to strive for excellence — a prism for sharing pieces of myself as an aggregate); others have theirs. We are unique. And, in theory, the internet, Nuit favors that while providing structure and constraints… as depicted in Fortune card’s ceiling.
Larger Aggregates
People document, pack, and sell syntheses of their events, providing value. The more they invest in it, the more spiritual the process. (1) It connects the profound aspects of their souls with the same ones of reality and other stars. And (2) good creators use the ‘former self’ principle, creating for their past selves, thus engaging both with reality. Based on their True Wills, many form tribes forming bigger aggregates in Nuit’s body. This brings human’s natural state, which, according to modern science, is quite tribal.
Literary Convenience
As mentioned elsewhere, Thelema is not an Egyptian religion. It uses Egyptian deities for what Crowley calls ‘literary convenience.’ The more the Aeon of Horus unfolds, and the more we enter the digital world, the more this seems accurate. Nuit provides possibilities, environment, and constraints for the Stars to exist. And as David Cherubim said:
“Masters (stars in Nuit’s body) (…) live as true individuals, (…), far removed from the people of the world, but living and working in the world, among the people, to accomplish their True Will…”
Solving Problems
Symbolically, Aeons represent Gods. In truth, they have much to do with humans’ ability to solve problems. An example is farming’s invention in the Osirian era. Although diverting them from our natural diet and state, the same prevented our ancestors from risking their lives through hunting. In the Aeon of Horus, it is the natural evolution of using technology to have freedom and not be trapped with mechanical labor but pursue self-actualization — Thelema’s primary goal, and thanks to self-help, most people’s obsession nowadays.
The Crowned and Conquering Child
Many liken solopreneurship and content creation to hunting and building, which humans naturally do. They also predict we’ll return to those with the rise of personal brand(s). Such brands are based on solving one’s problems and selling solutions, such as making things one will genuinely consume or buy. Think of the deeper aspects of oneself and the same of reality. Also, consider this and the mentioned on the former self and check my Etsy store.
Demanding continual growth and reinvention, all this embodies the Horus principle. It also requires permanently conquering one’s shortcomings and obstacles and turning them into stepping stones and products. Apparently, that’s like stoicism serving as a blueprint for living to (numerous) creators and entrepreneurs.
Selection and Growth
The fitted enough to survive may be viewed as products of Nuit and Hadit’s passionate interaction. More particularly, as naturally selected since the former is commonly explained as identical to Darwinian Evolution: Hadit being variation and options, whereas Nuit — selection and reduction.
A personal brand fitted enough to survive, and thrive is like a child growing. It is also a reflection of one. And as we know from Qabalah, everything reflects everything… which, IMHO, brings depth to a gem found in Tim Jaudszims Leucthurn’s 1917 Start Up Journal. Namely, that (paraphrasing) every interaction with one’s brand speaks directly about themselves and their brand’s totality.
Mighty Conquerer
To get their crown, the child has to be a mighty conquerer, facing the uncertainties of life. Luckily, they are equipped with everything needed. Hence, the self-sufficient individual. This sounds like taking responsibility for the True Will and viewing all difficulties as parts of Nuit’s offerings. Also, as the external, Nuit extracting people’s best game, as the demands are pretty high when nothing is local anymore.
All About Action
This concept is intrinsic to the Information Era, and thus the Aeon of Horus: permanent education and reinvention — not through passive memorization but through active building, production, and iteration: the only ways to learn valuable skills in the Horian era.
Being all about information, examples include content creation and coding. This was emphasized by Outwitting the Devil, written between the Book of the Law’s dictation and the Information Age’s official beginning. As Crowley emphasizes, it’s an Aeon of Fire and Force, and this is all about action.
Giant creators keep hammering that the personal brand(s) is self-actualization’s natural progression. You document your hero’s journey and use the learned to teach others and thus transcend the self, connecting with other stars in Nuit’s body by leveraging her.
Apparently, this doesn’t sound too dissimilar to what my Rose Cross video covers regarding Christian RosenKreutz, the Children of Light, and the invisible college preparing religion and humanity for their new stages. Also, embarking on a self-transformation journey, searching for higher knowledge, truths, and meaning while helping others by sharing the learned. But these are just some of my interpretations. And I’ll be happy if you share some of yours.
Thank You for your time!