About a week ago, I published a video on whether LBRP can make you broke. It resonated with a big part of my audience. But an Etsy customer asked what Lesser rituals to emphasize. While there’s no cut-and-dried answer (as everyone is unique), the more I practice (and live), the more I think there might be a holistic approach.
The lesser rituals are not less powerful but general. The banishings wipe out (or shut down) whatever is there. The invocations — empower and keep it running. Given that, their different combinations can loosely map to dietary approaches. In the case of extensive banishing, that resembles going on a carnivore diet (or perhaps doing a water fast or even retreating, considering the effects.
Total Elimination
Besides getting you into ketosis and suppressing your appetite, zero-carbs eliminate toxicity and (any) potential triggers of whatever conditions you may or may not have. Think of shutting down all thought and spiritual forms (with a magickal EMP) and perhaps living like that for a while.
Thanks to my modified steaks and eggs diet, I have my current physique, health, and look. Yet, other than a few times per week, I no longer eat like that.
Though the best for the permanently hungry, insulin-resistant, obese person, such a regimen may not be optimal for an OMAD-adapted, metabolically flexible athlete. Most carbs have toxins, but others provide clean fuel and a superior anabolic environment — think of higher probability shifts and the ‘Operant Model.’
Considering Oneself
The worse your health, the more a carnivore diet can help. You’ll get lean, heal your gut, optimize your hormones, and actually want to get into the gym. However, it may not let you reach your genetic potential (naturally).
Keeping Bad Stuff At Bay
Similarly, emphasizing banishings can help you obtain clarity, become more centered, and kick out bad habits or something draining your energy. It can protect you from toxic people and the environment. Though, you can also do that working with the sephiroth.
A Pause
On the other hand, it can also create a vacuum, putting your life on hold, similar to ‘plateauing’ in bodybuilding. If you are like me, it may also prevent you from doing practical work, which aids in building a desired future by bringing proper personality traits, creating systems, and expanding horizons.
To whom I would suggest emphasizing banishings early on the path — Actually, to my former self. Almost two decades ago, I was in a dark place — from drug and law issues to alcohol poisoning, from fapping and zero habits and discipline to mostly meaningless interactions with others. Plus, I was obese and constantly distracted, thus self-medicated.
A Hot Mess
My whole reality was a hot mess. So, I urgently needed to wipe it out and disconnect from it. This would have included a period of retreat and a clean vision board to start, which I have no doubts banishings could definitely help with. If you watched the previous video.
On the contrary, too, many in my late 20s prevented me from taking action and engaging with reality. It even attempted to bring some people no longer belonging to my life. Hence, the issue with the vacuum and nature filling it however it finds suitable (which is entropy.)
Will I suggest the same approach to someone with well-established routines, basics like training and eating healthy, probably starting their own business, building valuable skills, and having meaningful goals? Definitely not.
Not Necessarily
In the same way, I would not (necessarily) recommend a year of celibacy to a person who doesn’t fap and watch porn, nor is attached to sex, but has a healthy sex life. Nor would I recommend a carnivore diet to a highly metabolically healthy person who is shredded and usually depleted. Like in dieting and optimization, the key is tweaking things based on your situation.
Personality Types
To help with that, consider your balance between introversion and extraversion. Whenever I mention this, a few comment that too much banishing worsens (their) introversion as it does mine. This is crucial as many occultists are introverts.
Zodiac Signs
Considering your sign can also bring insights into this. Based on life experience and correspondences, I don’t think Virgos, Taurus, and Capricorn should emphasize banishings unless needed. On the contrary, Sagittarius, Leo, and Gemini can benefit from it. Yet, while it can bring additional insights, this is just a hypothesis to take with a grain of salt.
The Lowest of the Low
IMHO, the traditional emphasis on banishings assumes one is at their lowest level of personal development — me finishing high school. According to some, it also assumes all have psychological issues. Hence, excess banishing gets rid of them.
Personal Experience
While it was really the Operant Model, SIRP, and GIRH helping me overcome crippling anxiety, I also disagree with the first. Sure, many occultists are a mess. Many delusional rituals will make up for that.
Not All
On the contrary, some are into philosophy, optimization, building systems, and positively changing their lives. I also know of self-improvers getting into magick with far superior habits and situations than ‘actual adepts.’ Should they banish what they’ve built through pure action in Assiah? I don’t think so. There’s nothing wrong with starting with a blank vision board occasionally.
There’s also nothing wrong with initiating a temporary retreat, as long as you don’t forget it is temporary, and it is a retreat — which, unlike conquering, is not the destiny of the modern person following their Ikigai. But that’s just my opinion. Let me know if it resonates.
Thank you for your time!